the good thing about being home for the holiday break before most of my friends is that I get to stay home, spend too much money on rental videos and watch all those artsy fartsy foriegn films that look to be erotic and intelligent at the same time.
Break will go by quickly... I leave for colorado in about 8 days. And then I get to attempt to ski for the first time in my life! This will be interesting. Well, I didn't kill myself rollerblading around chicago this summer... so perhaps I'm more athletic than I think I am. Or at least I have a decent sense of balance?
I really hate the dentist. I don't understand how stratching your teeth with a sharp metal object can be good for them.
So I spent today singing along with my musical theatre accomp. cds and recording myself in protools. Although I'm still sick and sound like ass, I've realized that my voice has improved a lot since... well... since it really sucked.
My mother just shouted "everybody, lets play jepordy." -- Guess that means it's 7:00. Hmm. She's making veggie tacos tonight. Yum. My tummy is growling.
Anyway, it just feels weird to be home. Not having a drivers license in suburbia is nearly equivlent to being extremely handicapped and not having a wheel chair or any sort of mobile device in the city. Okay, so I could... walk places. But that would take quite a while. And it's frickin cold outside. I didn't bring my blades home- so that option's out. Bah.
Well, my mom won't leave me alone till I watch jepordy with her... so I'm off for now. I'll probably update more later. Because now that I have private internet access, I've become re-addicted to the site. Oy.
Break will go by quickly... I leave for colorado in about 8 days. And then I get to attempt to ski for the first time in my life! This will be interesting. Well, I didn't kill myself rollerblading around chicago this summer... so perhaps I'm more athletic than I think I am. Or at least I have a decent sense of balance?
I really hate the dentist. I don't understand how stratching your teeth with a sharp metal object can be good for them.
So I spent today singing along with my musical theatre accomp. cds and recording myself in protools. Although I'm still sick and sound like ass, I've realized that my voice has improved a lot since... well... since it really sucked.
My mother just shouted "everybody, lets play jepordy." -- Guess that means it's 7:00. Hmm. She's making veggie tacos tonight. Yum. My tummy is growling.
Anyway, it just feels weird to be home. Not having a drivers license in suburbia is nearly equivlent to being extremely handicapped and not having a wheel chair or any sort of mobile device in the city. Okay, so I could... walk places. But that would take quite a while. And it's frickin cold outside. I didn't bring my blades home- so that option's out. Bah.
Well, my mom won't leave me alone till I watch jepordy with her... so I'm off for now. I'll probably update more later. Because now that I have private internet access, I've become re-addicted to the site. Oy.