how did it get to be april? wasn't is just june? wtf?
life has stablized, which is weird. i feel kind of old, despite my talent for irresponsibility. i work 9-6, do theater at night, have a boyfriend i can see myself perhaps spending the rest of my life with, don't bother much with silly crushes anymore, find myself content with keeping things consistent. i've definitely grown up, but i'm also still a kid. i'm only 23. but that's old when there are thousands of 18-year-olds floating around thinking they're adults. they don't know the half of it. i have two bottles of laundry detergent on this random piece of installed furniture in my room. they aren't very attractive. they sit next to two wisdom teeth i had pulled last night. i really want to find a job i love, but i'm wondering if that's possible. i do love video editing. i get to do it a bit at my current job. but not enough. wish i went to school for it. don't have the money or patience to go to school again, although i'm half-way to applying for grad scool every other day. what's a girl like me to do? i'm so fickle. want to do something exciting. eh, sometimes i feel like i'm such a waste. but not always. sometimes i experience progress.
life has stablized, which is weird. i feel kind of old, despite my talent for irresponsibility. i work 9-6, do theater at night, have a boyfriend i can see myself perhaps spending the rest of my life with, don't bother much with silly crushes anymore, find myself content with keeping things consistent. i've definitely grown up, but i'm also still a kid. i'm only 23. but that's old when there are thousands of 18-year-olds floating around thinking they're adults. they don't know the half of it. i have two bottles of laundry detergent on this random piece of installed furniture in my room. they aren't very attractive. they sit next to two wisdom teeth i had pulled last night. i really want to find a job i love, but i'm wondering if that's possible. i do love video editing. i get to do it a bit at my current job. but not enough. wish i went to school for it. don't have the money or patience to go to school again, although i'm half-way to applying for grad scool every other day. what's a girl like me to do? i'm so fickle. want to do something exciting. eh, sometimes i feel like i'm such a waste. but not always. sometimes i experience progress.
it comes with time

what publication do u write for??