I am such a flirt.
It's like my favorite thing in the world is for everyone to want me. I guess that's kind of the point of this site, though, except I should be a model and not a member. But I've also decided it's much more fun to have everyone want me in real life and not in cyberlife. Don't get me wrong, I can censor my image in cyberlife therefore it's easier to constantly present myself in a desireable fashion - however, in real life, I like knowing that people think I'm hot, even on my shitty days. And I love making people laugh. There is nothing more attractive to me than the muffled slight smile of someone who doesn't want to admit they find me funny or attractive. I always see that smile, and it makes me want them, because I know, at least in a small way, they might want me. -- I should just be a stripper or a burlesque queen or something. Honestly, I would love to perform burlesque - I don't have the figure for stripping, but burlesque performers come in all shapes and sizes. I want to be a singing burlesque queen, a pin-up star - who doesn't get completely naked ala SG. No offense to SG models, I think it's great you can be so confident as to strip down to the buff on the net, but for me - I lie myself naked before you with my words, and hope my language will entice --
If you want a hint of that, check out my erotica in the Erotica group on here.

If you want a hint of that, check out my erotica in the Erotica group on here.

Hey Flirty McFlirterson--you going to prom after all? I just remembered I have to go to Ragstock this weekend and see if I can find some tuxedo pants.