Since sg didn't accept me, i'm thinking of applying to another site online... they are pretty much begging me to model for them, and I def fit their image more (ala... I'm not a twig and I don't have tattoos.. but that's okay over on that site.) Hmm. I'd rather be an SG model, but I know I never will make it here... and I guess i'm at this point in my life where I'd like to express myself via this form of modeling. So- i'll be naked elsewhere, what-ya-gonna-do? I appreciate the beauty of the SG models too much to say anything negative about this site. I know what the SG people are looking for and I also know I do not have it. Unless I get a few large tattoos and/or loose about 40 pounds, I'm not an SG model. Period. I'm okay with that. I respect that the site needs to make money and needs to look a certain way because it's targeted towards a market of men and women who like to look at these kind of girls. It's silly to almost want to change myself just to be SG worthy-- not that I've actually thought that, but I mean... I've got a weird, kick ass style all my own and if SG doesn't want me then I've got other people who do. And if you want to see me nekkie, well you'll just have to find the site if/after I model for them.
[Edited on Jun 07, 2003]