for the past three weeks i have been moping around feeling sorry for myself. even though I've been sitting on my ass for an extended period of time, I've also been somewhat productive. in the past three weeks i've taken the GRE's, sent out - oh - about 50 or so job applications, and have gone on 2 interviews for positions i really wanted but had little chance at getting. i'm still convinced i've fallen into a state of depression - not adolescent teen-angsty depression, but full-blown, i could give a shit because life is pointless and i don't want to die but i don't really care if i do - sort of depression. then again, i think being fired and sitting around surfing the internet all day can do that to a person. bah. in any case, i've decided i need some more friends. i've got plenty of friends around the country, but few friends locally who i can be myself around. it's the little things, like feeling comfortable talking about how attractive i find another woman (or man) to another person - just being open and being myself, the fuck-the-world self that i (almost) used to be. now, as an 'adult' i feel like everyone is judging me in a different way, and i also have to mold to some sort of standard i'll never fit. it's a lot of pressure and i'm not handling it very well. but i'm hoping that this is just that odd year of transitioning out of college, and once i meet some people in the area, find a job i like and figure out how to support myself, i'll feel independent and therefore happy. or something like that.
More Blogs
Monday Jun 27, 2005
It's only been two weeks since starting this 50-hour work week taste … -
Friday Jun 10, 2005
less than an hour to graduation day. which means if you're reading th… -
Wednesday Jun 08, 2005
i need to sell my bed and my dresser by monday or else i'm fucked. no… -
Saturday Jun 04, 2005
In one week I'll be a college graduate... but this all feels more sur… -
Sunday May 29, 2005
They were playing all this 80's music in the shoe store today, which … -
Thursday May 26, 2005
Look out Berkeley, here I come! -
Wednesday May 25, 2005
It is that time of my life where the future is, well, somehow blurrin… -
Sunday May 15, 2005
"If you can't fail, you can't do anything." Dad drove in to town, … -
Tuesday May 10, 2005
I am conducting a survey for a sociology paper I am writing and would… -
Saturday May 07, 2005
...I've also decided to apply to Americorps-- I think it would be a g…
Not to be mean but I'm getting sick of my current circle of local friends except for one because they all seem to think I just want to talk about how they all hate my ex-wife. Whatever.
Hey, at least you have a boyfriend right?
good luck with the job, and i guess life, search.