Sorry for my English, I tried to do my, my first homework - my first tattoo.
I tried not to put in a deep meaning in this tattoo, but I wanted it to be something unique and different from anything that already existed, and, as for me - we're succeeded.
Giving the preference to a black tattoo we found the way to rededuce the difficulties with the color-choose, but the very problem was still the same - how should it look like in the very end?!
Without thinking, the idea came to me to associate this work with something I would have liked not only visually, such as animals or flowers, but with something that could be very close to my world-view.
Already could not remember exactly how it came to my mind the idea to portray one of my favorite writers - Jack Kerouac, but it's clear that I madly wanted it to be not just a portrait, I wanted to display his work "King of beatniks' generation" (lost generation as they say).
Due to this facts we came to such a surreal portrait which shows us an infinite road, which can be compared with the life, in general meaning, and I was quite happy with the result and still think that this is not only my first but also my favorite tattoo.