Nothing to report apart from my computer is acting up so i'm currently using my mothers laptop. What is it with me and computers.
Factoid of the day: 1 person in every 18 has a third nipple. Yes Fact!
How do they know this?. Do they go around checking random people. A kind of nipple police!!!. Or do they go around asking people, 'Do you have a third nipple?'
"Oh yes officer I do in fact, thank you for letting me get that off my chest". Chest/nipple see what I did there.......oh you are a hard crowd...
Factoid of the day: 1 person in every 18 has a third nipple. Yes Fact!

How do they know this?. Do they go around checking random people. A kind of nipple police!!!. Or do they go around asking people, 'Do you have a third nipple?'
"Oh yes officer I do in fact, thank you for letting me get that off my chest". Chest/nipple see what I did there.......oh you are a hard crowd...

yup. I didn't know it was available on CD.... Do you think I could still find it somewhere? Most of the songs bug the shit out of me, but I really really like some of them so much that it makes it worth watching.... I can always fast foreward through the shite anyway.......