Another week goes by and still I have nothing interesting to put ion this space. Have you ever had a time where you were reading a chapter in a book abd got to the end and it made no sense to you, cause you'd just been reading words and not putting them together to get a meaning of a sentence/paragraph/page.
That kinda sums up my week, stop/start with little fields of lucidity in between.
Maybe next time there'll be some happy news to report, but then again the three wise men will be turning up again soon...knowing my luck baliffs or sherrifs or even worse family!!!
That kinda sums up my week, stop/start with little fields of lucidity in between.
Maybe next time there'll be some happy news to report, but then again the three wise men will be turning up again soon...knowing my luck baliffs or sherrifs or even worse family!!!
Cherry xox
[kisses you all better]