Journal time again....not so easy when all you've done is lie in bed reading and darn housework.
Well heres hoping for a better week than last week. Last week was meant to be a quiet one with only one article to write for Thursday. Well on Wednesday morning what happens but my damn 'puter decides to crash.
The one time I need the back up discs to restore and i swear it would be easier for me to find God.
So off I trot to the Uni library to get on a puter but it's week 6(?) and everyone in the uni (or so it seems) needs to do an essay right now. Spend an hour thowing daggers at everyone on a puter, muttering under my breath ' i've paid to be in here, clear off student s**m', (only joking just!!
Well eventually get it done at 9.30pm Wed and mailed it in,(phew
Gone online thanks to a friend...thanks Dopes (yes that really is his nickname).
Just away to pop into the office and see what this week brings.
PS sorry for my tedious rant
Well heres hoping for a better week than last week. Last week was meant to be a quiet one with only one article to write for Thursday. Well on Wednesday morning what happens but my damn 'puter decides to crash.
The one time I need the back up discs to restore and i swear it would be easier for me to find God.
So off I trot to the Uni library to get on a puter but it's week 6(?) and everyone in the uni (or so it seems) needs to do an essay right now. Spend an hour thowing daggers at everyone on a puter, muttering under my breath ' i've paid to be in here, clear off student s**m', (only joking just!!

Well eventually get it done at 9.30pm Wed and mailed it in,(phew

Gone online thanks to a friend...thanks Dopes (yes that really is his nickname).
Just away to pop into the office and see what this week brings.
PS sorry for my tedious rant
I can't TELL you about the sets silly, that would ruin the surprise!

look who's popular with the ladies.