Alas this was the week I don't look forward to. The new dictionary was lanched this week and where is this beautiful language of ours going. Muggle is in there now for Gods' sake. Hacktavist as well. Boi too.
Two of my favourites have to be unk-unk as in Rummy's 'Unknown Unknowns'. I'd say contingencies, and
gowp for idiot.
Honourable mentions to: cariad and peedie....
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Two of my favourites have to be unk-unk as in Rummy's 'Unknown Unknowns'. I'd say contingencies, and
gowp for idiot.
Honourable mentions to: cariad and peedie....
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Yeah I was just flaying CFH on my guitar

Nothing really exciting to report really. Same routine as Tilly until Friday when I was just about to tuck in to my supper, at 11.30pm when the phone rang at it was my gran breathless on the phone asking for help as she wasn't feeling too good.
She'd been feeling bad all evening but decided only to phone when she got to the stage of...
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She'd been feeling bad all evening but decided only to phone when she got to the stage of...
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im ok thanks... im alive again.. i was just dead for a day

im ok thanks... im alive again.. i was just dead for a day

I get the feeling it is time for me to move house. Within the last week there have been two people taken to hospital RIGHT OUTSIDE my house after they decided to have a knife fight in the street. Also less than half a mile away last week we heard of a school kid who was shot in the head on the steps of his...
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Peanut butter: smooth or crunchy?
You're in SG Scotland now, by the way.
You're in SG Scotland now, by the way.
Thanks sweety

Well hello there, has it really been 7 months since I updated?. Yotz
The main reason for the lack of update is the simply the fact I have done nothing terribly exciting since October. In those 7 months I have written 7...7 1/2 articles, the rest of the time i've spent vegetating reading books newspapers, watching films by the dozen. Three of those articles were...
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The main reason for the lack of update is the simply the fact I have done nothing terribly exciting since October. In those 7 months I have written 7...7 1/2 articles, the rest of the time i've spent vegetating reading books newspapers, watching films by the dozen. Three of those articles were...
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I know. I definitely went home thinking all kinds of generalizations like "guys are ass holes" and such things. Especially since none of the other guys we were hanging out with warned me.
Women do that, warn each other.
But I try to be rational and not generalize or be sexist.
I really like paper crafting. If we're talking about the same thing. I do scrapbooking and I love handmade stationary/cards. Its so much nicer to get something like that than something storebought! And why buy something that's fun to make anyways?
I like oragami a lot too but I don't do it.
Women do that, warn each other.
But I try to be rational and not generalize or be sexist.
I really like paper crafting. If we're talking about the same thing. I do scrapbooking and I love handmade stationary/cards. Its so much nicer to get something like that than something storebought! And why buy something that's fun to make anyways?
I like oragami a lot too but I don't do it.
Thanks for the tremdously nice comment! Stop by again sometime!

Hey ho, gonna try and make this a totally positive entry. Had a quiet lazy weekend, just the way it was designed. Tired today but baseball and MotoGP overnight last night will do that to the elderly. I've only got one article to work on this week, but it's a biggie.
It has to do with the old tradition we British have of giving away...
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It has to do with the old tradition we British have of giving away...
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i've been going to camden since i was 12 dude!! 

Billy Connolly would be proud. Last night I learned my first word in a new language.
'Tisse'- to pee or urinate in Danish.
My first word in a new language and it's a bodily function!!!!
Bet my family are proud of me right now
Amended to add:
Update: Well theres always next year

Billy Connolly would be proud. Last night I learned my first word in a new language.
'Tisse'- to pee or urinate in Danish.
My first word in a new language and it's a bodily function!!!!
Bet my family are proud of me right now

Amended to add:

Update: Well theres always next year

hey you....i recieved my present through the post this week, and i just wanted to say thanks so much!! it was very sweet of you! 

Well, I guess since i've delurkified after so long I'd better update my journal.
Don't know where to start.......
Health: Gotta start somewhere
I'm much better that the last time i updated. I really did go through a rough period back there for a while. Couldn't settle became way to fractous(sp?) to work and went on a downward spiral. Think I got lazy for a...
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Don't know where to start.......
Health: Gotta start somewhere

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hey thank you!! And thank you SO much for the book btw. Please email me your physical address if that's ok? I'd love to be able to send you a thank you
Cherry xoxoxox

Cherry xoxoxox
Phew what a couple of weeks I've had. Somewhere between having no energy at all and snowed in with work to do. Very fractual lately, which ive taken to trying to turn the fustration into positive energy.
Wish the local University had a course that included diplomatic rhetoric training. I'd be the first in the queue for that one, as I seem to be falling...
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Wish the local University had a course that included diplomatic rhetoric training. I'd be the first in the queue for that one, as I seem to be falling...
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OK, i'm back and feeling a little more refreshed.It just got too much for me and I needed a break. Anyway, i'll add to this once I've had a look at what i've missed.
Well just a small update. I'll not be around SG's for a while, need a break....i'm slowly I think its best
Hopefully talk when I get back.
Hopefully talk when I get back.

Hey peeps, i'm back although i'm not sure how long for. I've not been away as such just been quite unwell, how quaintly I put that, recently. Just before Chrimbo, my meds were causing side effects, so I have been off them ever since and thus have been bed bound due to severe anxiety and catatonia. Can't get an Rx for love nor money.
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Glad to have you back, if at least only partly
Thanks for your comments, they really helped - she's doing better at the moment, managed to get a sensible conversation in with her, so at least I know what to look out for.
Take care sweetie
Sin xx
Glad to have you back, if at least only partly

Thanks for your comments, they really helped - she's doing better at the moment, managed to get a sensible conversation in with her, so at least I know what to look out for.
Take care sweetie
Sin xx
heya. thanks for the birthday wishes hun! hope your feeling better and stuff soon! 

Another week goes by and still I have nothing interesting to put ion this space. Have you ever had a time where you were reading a chapter in a book abd got to the end and it made no sense to you, cause you'd just been reading words and not putting them together to get a meaning of a sentence/paragraph/page.
That kinda sums up my...
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That kinda sums up my...
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I know how that feels
Cherry xox

Cherry xox
[kisses you all better]

[kisses you all better]