New profil pic and new photos !
I'm so busy at this time, i have no time to write much things. I'm working for the 'Juste pour Rire' festival, it's very great and i meet so many people (and stars ^^)
I go back to work !

I'm so busy at this time, i have no time to write much things. I'm working for the 'Juste pour Rire' festival, it's very great and i meet so many people (and stars ^^)
I go back to work !

Le thtre dans lequel je bosse c'est la comdie de reims, je suis caissire
c'est mon boulot d'tudiante en fait, je l'aime bien a me donne l'occas de voir tous les spectacles gratos et en plus je peux y inviter des gens!