I saw Eddie Money in St.Pete this past weekend...he looked really worn out 10 years ago, you should se him now. There was this bar called the "Undertow" that we stopped at. What a bunch of fuckers. I'm sure that there are nice people there but everyone had this upity attitude, which is a huge turn off. I also bought a paper shredder which is the coolest thing since sliced bread. It slices and dices.
Peace out.
Peace out.

hey there, what else would you tell me? I'm actually feeling better and better with each passing day. At first I was heart sick and confused, and my body was achy and trying to come down with the flu, but I fought it off, I'm spending a lot of time with just myself and a few friends who are offering so much support, it's incredible, and my family is being pretty amazing too. It was my decision to leave him because I was not happy...4 years, we've been through a lot, but there was just something about him that made him the least unattractive person in the world to me. I have to be with someone who is selfless, and I wasn't getting that. There's so much more of course, and I'm babbling, but the point is, I'm happier this way. I was always happier when we were broken up, which happened quite a lot. urgh. I hope your weekend is treating you well.