Happy New Year to all! I hope everyone had a safe time. The block party sucked ass, except for the boxing matches. These guys had these drywall stilts & boxing gloves so your throwin punches while standing on 4 foot stilits, which is hard enough. Throw in some beer and rum and it gets complicated. Then they had the ten yard dash. Too funny
I went to Busch Gardens on the 2nd. That place has changed alot since I was there last. Those roller coasters were bitchin. I saw two camels humping too
I cant believe I stayed home on the biggest hook up night of the year.
Check this site out for shits and gigglesmulletsgalore

I went to Busch Gardens on the 2nd. That place has changed alot since I was there last. Those roller coasters were bitchin. I saw two camels humping too

Check this site out for shits and gigglesmulletsgalore
Glad to hear you had a good time.