I've been watching that show "WANTED" lately, it's pretty flippin cool. What no one on here knows is that for a few years I was a cop and it never went down like it does on TV....I mean it does but not in the same time frames months and months of investigative work to solve something and the amount of paperwork is unreal. But @...
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"I'm gonna make them pay for what they did to you Goldie....I'm gonna make them pay"

Yeah its changed a lot just in the 3 years I am lived here. I like it and I am not moving far... I am native to Tampa and I can't see myself moving too far away anytime soon.
Yep, I am going to Hellraisers Ball. You going?
I keep having this dream that I walk outside to my jeep in the driveway and there are parts missing off of it....what the hell is that supposded to mean?

yay to florida & boo to connectcut, indeed.
it wasn't me
I have come to the conclusion that winning an e-bay auction is a feeling in a catagory all by itself

Thanks for the offer anyways.

I really like women with painted on eye brows

ooooh....I bet I know who YOU'RE talking about...well, maybe. I like em too.
No. I'm moving Saturday.

I'm going to the gym to do LEGos tonight...anyone feel up to it?!?!?

Happy Birthday!

oh, ooh la la, happy birthday meester!
.....What makes someone attracted to the other?!?!?!?
...What chemical releases in your brain, (endorphines) why? I don't like to be superficial...but its natural.
I'm gonna start making an effort to bring my camera out with me to take bike pics and things like that so Ican have 66 comments on my account. ciao
...What chemical releases in your brain, (endorphines) why? I don't like to be superficial...but its natural.

I'm gonna start making an effort to bring my camera out with me to take bike pics and things like that so Ican have 66 comments on my account. ciao

um....I honestly don't know. attraction will never ever be explained. I wish I knew so that I could stop getting involved with crazies and idiots though. it would help me out alot 

Do you know what sucks....yes many things suck here is just one of them...I went to Taiajuana Flats for luch and get back in my jeep, with no top on it because its getting ready to rain, and it doesn't start...nothing no lights, horn radio, etc... so $70.00 for a battery and 2.75 hours later I'm home. Have a jesus filled day

Just thought I'd drop you a line, let's see if we can get more people involved for biketoberfest. We could even have a party (which we do anyway at my buddies house) for SG members to attend. We could even crash at the house. my email is jhvogel@hotmail if you want to drop me an email.
Is that you in the wheelie pics and your profile? I'm dying to learn to stunt...
Just thought I'd drop you a line, let's see if we can get more people involved for biketoberfest. We could even have a party (which we do anyway at my buddies house) for SG members to attend. We could even crash at the house. my email is jhvogel@hotmail if you want to drop me an email.
Is that you in the wheelie pics and your profile? I'm dying to learn to stunt...
Not to steal someone elses versue but Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge......it's nice to see the good karma bad karma work out just like its supposed to....and someone get served up

karma is a crock. I just thought I'd say that because it sounds cool. and because I feel like I got dissed by karma last weekend. don't you just want to vomit all over people sometimes?

oh, I was just bitter watching him make out with that girl. I feel like since he's the jackass, why does he have to rub it in my face that he's got this girl and make me feel like shit when I don't deserve it? I felt very dissed. but I'm doing much better now. I just need to stay away from him for a very long time
I really wish I would go to Burning Man in August

I would love to see Dead Can Dance. That would be awesome.
The Rare Olive is open jam on Tuesdays.
The Rare Olive is open jam on Tuesdays.