Back from Costa Rica again. Found out I'm going home on the 18th of next month. Kind of discouraging.. I'm pretty much over living in a 3rd world country. It's honestly beyond me why my mom wanted to get a house here.. It's beautiful and everything but jesus you thought the crime was bad in NY? These people will do ANYTHING to break into your...
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that place sounds pretty wild. what you're experiencing kinda
sounds like life in America for minorities. sux to be the underdog.
you're kick ass so i have no doubt you can take care of yourself.
someone told me a story about some girl they knew who went to Brazil on vacation.
the girl was staying with some lady. every morning before the girl went out for the day
the lady gave her a few bucks because it was almost guaranteed she was going to get robbed. if you didn't have money to take... well. better to be robbed than raped. crazy.
peace and harmony.... nice dream.
let's start with some universal healthcare.