How many keys will it take to open that door? Setting out, jet-set to a dream. A vision. A thought that never would have made it in a snowballs chance in hell anyway. Medium to canvas. Medium to canvas.
Keep catching my dreams because they're not going anywhere else.
Keep catching my dreams because they're not going anywhere else.
1. At the start let us get one thing straight regarding this 'door'; regardless of your belief or understanding the of gravity its there working away 24/7. You can learn to use it or ignore it no matter the door it exists with or without you.
This may surprise you but the door is not held in a magic lamp containing a Genie who will grant your every wish. You cannot see the law of gravity all you can see and experiences are the results of its presence just the same you cannot see the door but like gravity you can see and experience the results. The main thing is you do not deny the existence of gravity because you do not really understand how it works, but 99% of people deny the existence of a door because they do not understand how it works.
2. Is It Just A Coincidence? Have you on more than one occasion met a long lost friend or at least someone you have not heard from for a long time and said something like, 'Fancy meeting you I was just thinking about you recently?' Have you on more than one occasion found that when talking to a loved one or a close friend of many years standing said the same thing to each other at the same time?
Coincidence - a coincidence is a one off event so if this has happened on more than one occasion it cannot be a coincidence and is synchronicity in a Jungian sence
3. Are you out of your mind!What's In Your head? You see it is your mind that does the opening, how it works is quite simple really, just like explaining the law of gravity.
Can you think of anything you do that your mind has nothing to do with? There is absolutely nothing you can possibly do without involving your minds eye.
4. How To Crystallize Your Thinking So let us see what happens - you desire something a possession or event and you desire it so much that it takes over your thinking, this is real goal setting. In fact you want it so much that you live your life as if you have already achieved the possession or event because you have imagined the impact and difference it will make to your life when it occurs.
As if you have awoken from a deep sleep you suddenly are aware of all sorts of opportunities that take you toward your desired outcome, they were there before but you had your mind eyes closed to them. Your life is filled with a passion to achieve the goal.
5. Making It Work for You. Here is a little technique that will help you, close your eyes try to think of nothing but relaxing then state the event or possession clearly to yourself in present tense then see the event or possession in your minds eye as if it were in the present time not the future, see every detail and how your life is changed because of it. If you feel a little uneasy doing this and unable to visualize clearly it indicates there is conflict in your mind and you possibly do not fully believe that you can achieve what you have set out to achieve. No need for concern at this stage, keep going a couple of days and see if your uneasiness diminishes and your belief grows stronger. If it does not - examine your desire again - is it REALLY what you want. This is where the doors of perception are caving in
It is like when you decide to buy a new car, you decide on the model, color etc and suddenly you start seeing cars of the same model and color that you have never noticed before - your mind has always and will always work this way, perseving opportunities to you each step of the way, this is the door beep from the door being ajar.
Carry out this simple exercise a number of times each day and after you do switch on the TV or do something totally different; soon your desire will become a magnificent obsession and you are well on your way to keeping the door unlocked.