Wow! Thanks for all the love on my last blog. I definitely enjoyed reading everyone's lovely comments.
I photographed the lovely Songbird_ recently.. here's a couple sneak peaks for your viewing pleasure:
I photographed the lovely Songbird_ recently.. here's a couple sneak peaks for your viewing pleasure:
I also was recently lucky enough to shoot this babe who just got accepted to be a hopeful and is shooting her first photoset soon! She is absolutely gorgeous and make sure to give her lots of love when she joins this wonderful community!
This Sunday Milloux, Chimaera__Songbird_ and I are getting together to shoot at a cute little place! So excited.
And not to mention how excited I am getting each day for the October Bay Area shootfest. I cannot wait to horseback ride and have tea parties with Nubia!
Miss Gitzie
ps; don't forget to give my sets in MR lots of love!
Why separate the two? HAVE TEA WHILE ON HORSEBACK.
Great shots. Songbird_ and the nameless beauty are awesome and you are adorable too. Love your set.