Hello! Sorry for being MIA for a few days... I had a short trip to the ER but I am doing much better now! I got so much love support from fellow hopefuls, followers and wonderful friends, I felt so loved! You all are so sweet.
Besides, that I shot some fun stuff with Adamsaperture on Sunday.. so here's a few photos for your viewing pleasure:
Besides, that I shot some fun stuff with Adamsaperture on Sunday.. so here's a few photos for your viewing pleasure:
Also! I am attending the Bay Area Hopeful Shootfest in October! I am so excited to meet up and shoot some babes like Myzaree Inland and Gadgette
I even decided to treat myself to a new 50mm lens for the trip. Can't wait! Anyone interested in attending as a model or a photographer should contact one of us! The more the merrier!

Your ass...