First and foremost, my set with AdamsAperture goes live in about 30 minutes, "River Nymph", I think it's lovely!

Also my set with Milloux "Ethereal Being" goes live on July 14th.

SO! What else is going on? I finished school for the semester and two days later was whisked off to Sasquatch! At the Gorge music festival up in Washington. I had an absolutely amazing time, hung out with awesome people, and listened to great music at possibly one of the most beautiful music venues I have ever been to. Here's all the pictures and great memories from possibly one of the best weekends of my life.
What else have I been up to? Oh, just some of this stuff..!
Besides the obvious, I met a super awesome guy recently. He makes me very happy, and I have a total blast with him. I am a lucky girl! I also watched Prop 8 get ruled unconstitutional in the state of CA, and my two beautiful friends Candace and Kirby got married. I cried at their wedding, it was so lovely.
On a sadder note, I lost one of my friends this week. I took that photo of her, and we won in the student art show for that. Kristina was an absolutely amazing, beautiful, whimsical, creative, supportive, and loyal soul. She was genuine and kind, the world will be less of place without her laugh. She was not afraid to share her story with people, she was not afraid to be vulnerable. Kristina treated everyone in her life with the utmost respect. Over 100 people shower up to her memorial, I know she would just be absolutely blown away by how many people's lives she touched. I cried my eyes out at our loss, I am still in complete and utter shock that she has left us. I'll see you soon, Kristina.
Okay, so on a bright note, I took more pictures with AdamsAperture today. I cosplayed as Wednesday Adams! For prints that will go on sale in my Etsy shop!
"I can sum up everything I have learned about life in three words: It goes on." -Robert Frost
So, as I move forward, I turn 21 in 8 days, but who's counting right?
I will be in Portland the 7-10 to celebrate my birthday, so get in touch with me if you want to meet up! I will then be down in San Diego for Comic Con, hopefully getting photographed and photographing models in the area, so PM me if you're interested in doing some work with me! I will then be off to Outside Lands Music Festival in San Francisco in August, and then First City Music Festival because I like to pretend I am rich enough to afford all of this! I am so excited for the fun things to come, so let me know if you'd like to join me on any of my excursions!
Much love,
xx Miss Gitzie
Nice photos!
Love your new set Gitzie!