I've learned from my mistakes and I'm sure I can repeat them exactly.
This is a combination of a sanctimonius blawhg and a confused one..
i must issue a warning...vegan cheese has been playing on my mind, as i've decided to have a stint at veganism for health and moral reasons...yes, i can be accused of caring more for animals than humans sometimes and i am pickier with my humans than my animals. But yes, vegan cheese; cheezly is apparently the best brand. the mozzarella is OK melted. that's all i have to say.
also, my other attempts at veganism have been going well, i've found nice substitutes for everything but have yet to find a reasonably versatile place in my kitchen for curly kale, which apprarently i must eat lots of now. balls to that i say.
in less culinary notes, i am just over 1 month away from commecing knitting molly's cat bed which i am most excited about;it will be hot pink and white fluff, she will love it, she must.
i tidied the house, it's now beautiful.
and i bought some aluminum free deodarant so now i won't get cancer although i have realised i can't spell.
thoughts of the day> christohper lee is undeniably hot, more gays are needed, glitter in yr eyeballs hurts, thai chillies rule, the purpose of pritstik can be questioned, finger waves are where it's at