Well, Finals are over, one way or another, now I can sit back and wait on grades. That, and study for my last qual exam on Wed. It is always strange to take a final in a class then prep for a qual in the same class the next week. I think the break time I have taken has been good. It has been a while since I updated. I got around to bying a motorcycle, nice 1400 Intruder, and have been having a blast with it. Of course, it is unfortunate to pay for maint and new tire this week, but was needed. I should be updating a little more often now that school is not such a huge part of my time.
Thanks - I must confess that the list was something I more or less pulled out to have a "birthday blog" without all the usual "Yay, it's my day, la dee da" self indulgent garbage some folks can get from time to time. And, because this is *my* day to celebrate, I like for everyone to feel good, have a good time. So yeah, if some people decide to make their own lists, and it gives them a little burst of happiness, that's cool.
Thanks for your comment on my last set!