I have not updated in a while. I am back in school, and I am nearing the end of both my degree programs. It is almost time to consider what to do next, but that is still some time away, so i can put that off.
Closer at hand, a friend of mine has vanished. We usually talk 2 or 3 times a week, via internet, but it has been nearly two weeks since I have heard from her. Some of our mutual friends have been asking about her as well, but we have no information. I think this calls for at least an email.
Women... I think if i could properly describe such frustration and confusion, I would be born to greatness. One day, I will figure one of them out before it is too late and I have screwed something else up, but as to when that day well come, well your guess is as good as mine.
Christmas went well, only had to deal with a couple of issues. Helping out a friend is all well and good. The crazy old reletivea wielding firearms was less happy. Overall, I nice trip, but I am glad to be back to Oklahoma, and back to work. I do think the mornings might kill me this semester. This whole early class and early gym thing just hurts the nocturnal people.
Closer at hand, a friend of mine has vanished. We usually talk 2 or 3 times a week, via internet, but it has been nearly two weeks since I have heard from her. Some of our mutual friends have been asking about her as well, but we have no information. I think this calls for at least an email.
Women... I think if i could properly describe such frustration and confusion, I would be born to greatness. One day, I will figure one of them out before it is too late and I have screwed something else up, but as to when that day well come, well your guess is as good as mine.
Christmas went well, only had to deal with a couple of issues. Helping out a friend is all well and good. The crazy old reletivea wielding firearms was less happy. Overall, I nice trip, but I am glad to be back to Oklahoma, and back to work. I do think the mornings might kill me this semester. This whole early class and early gym thing just hurts the nocturnal people.
Thanks. I actually cannot abide orange juice (gross @ texture), but I've been taking Dayquil and Nyquil. They help a little, but not a ton... hopefully it'll clear up on its own in a day or two, but I doubt it.

I have a couple new pics, with more coming. THese days i hardly get 3 hours of sleep per night T_T At least i have chai... *sigh* Firearms and gym, what an interesting combination, although i prefer firearms and chocolate personally
There is probably a good reason your friend has vanished, maybe she lost connection or something of that nature... YES woman are crazy, but men are pretty hard to figure out also.. just remember that women like to change their minds alot... and always try to compliment her shoes ^^