Ugh. Today started off good enough, I mean, I did get laid this morning...
But... That's was basically the high point of the day up to this point. In other words, things only went down hill from there.
Well, I guess I souldn't say that. Some really cool things happened. Yeah, I was just dwelling on the bad shit back there. Nevermind
I'll just start at the begining...
So Jamie and I wake up around 6:30 and have a little early morning sex, It was very excellent. I proptly fell back asleep for another 35-40 minutes cuddled up next to her.
I get up and stretch, try to wake myself up a bit. Jump in the shower. I'm still late for work, yet again. *sigh* Good thing my boss is cool.
I find out that Ned is a pretty big Jesus freak (I just noticed the comic irony in my previous statement, hehe. Coincedenses rock). He starts telling me about how people are going crazy and that the worlds gonna end soon. He came to this conclution when I told him of the crazy dude I say attacking parked and oncomming vehicles one the way to work. Interesting side note: I was the only car he left alone.
I accedentally locked my phone sometime around 2, I couldn't unlock it cause I didn't know the code. I started doing the 1111, 1112, 1113 until I said, "Fuck this" and just started mashing the keypad. It turned out to be the last four digits of my phone number, go figure.
My buddy Brandner calls me all the way from Bozeman and asks me to do him a favor and check up on his 16mm stock that he sent in to a processing house in Santa Monica, the place was over on Colorado and 5th so I say, "Sure, no prob." Turns out one of the gals that works there is a MSU grad, she suggest that I apply for an internship. I really want to take her up on it, I just hope that I would be able to fit it in my scheduel, you know, being a full time student with two jobs and all.
Oh yeah, I wound up getting that job at the library. I start next tuesday. Yay!
So after I finish up yaking it up over at Filmworks, I head back to work to pick up my check. I'm barely gonna make it to the bank on time to deposit it. Nerve, nerve, nerveracking!
I grab my check and rally down to the branch over on Fiji and Admriality when the Girthmobile runs out of gas in front of the California Yacht Club. I get out of my car and start sprinting down the street when I realize that leaving my car where I left it was a sure fire way to get it towed, so I sprint back. I call up my sister and she gets a hold of my Uncle Mike, whom I haven't seen since the 7th grade (long story), but he more than helps me out. He puts five gallons in my tank and spots me a Hamilton. We have a nice little chat, catch up on the last couple of years. It was nice.
I get home and I call up my sister to see if dinner is still on, it isn't. So basically I'm just gonna go deposit my check at an ATM and rally on over to Jamie's for the little fun filled weekend we have planned
Yeah, that wasn't so bad at all, quite good actually.
In other news, I met with a photographer last night. He had seen my SB sets and now wants to hire me to do some nudes, sweet deal that I can actually get paid. At first I was a little concerned where the pics would show up, but then I though, "Hey, if any one give me shit about it, I could just point out that they bought the magazine in the first place
It was a good meeting, we had dinner at the polish resturant called Warszawa. It was dank. The food was so good and delightfully interesting. I especially enjoyed the bacon-wrapped dried plumbs. Sounds weird, but damn were they tasty!
Well I better finished getting dressed and head on out, I gots me a lady waiting for me
May the Girth keep and bless you all.
But... That's was basically the high point of the day up to this point. In other words, things only went down hill from there.
Well, I guess I souldn't say that. Some really cool things happened. Yeah, I was just dwelling on the bad shit back there. Nevermind

I'll just start at the begining...
So Jamie and I wake up around 6:30 and have a little early morning sex, It was very excellent. I proptly fell back asleep for another 35-40 minutes cuddled up next to her.
I get up and stretch, try to wake myself up a bit. Jump in the shower. I'm still late for work, yet again. *sigh* Good thing my boss is cool.
I find out that Ned is a pretty big Jesus freak (I just noticed the comic irony in my previous statement, hehe. Coincedenses rock). He starts telling me about how people are going crazy and that the worlds gonna end soon. He came to this conclution when I told him of the crazy dude I say attacking parked and oncomming vehicles one the way to work. Interesting side note: I was the only car he left alone.
I accedentally locked my phone sometime around 2, I couldn't unlock it cause I didn't know the code. I started doing the 1111, 1112, 1113 until I said, "Fuck this" and just started mashing the keypad. It turned out to be the last four digits of my phone number, go figure.
My buddy Brandner calls me all the way from Bozeman and asks me to do him a favor and check up on his 16mm stock that he sent in to a processing house in Santa Monica, the place was over on Colorado and 5th so I say, "Sure, no prob." Turns out one of the gals that works there is a MSU grad, she suggest that I apply for an internship. I really want to take her up on it, I just hope that I would be able to fit it in my scheduel, you know, being a full time student with two jobs and all.
Oh yeah, I wound up getting that job at the library. I start next tuesday. Yay!

So after I finish up yaking it up over at Filmworks, I head back to work to pick up my check. I'm barely gonna make it to the bank on time to deposit it. Nerve, nerve, nerveracking!
I grab my check and rally down to the branch over on Fiji and Admriality when the Girthmobile runs out of gas in front of the California Yacht Club. I get out of my car and start sprinting down the street when I realize that leaving my car where I left it was a sure fire way to get it towed, so I sprint back. I call up my sister and she gets a hold of my Uncle Mike, whom I haven't seen since the 7th grade (long story), but he more than helps me out. He puts five gallons in my tank and spots me a Hamilton. We have a nice little chat, catch up on the last couple of years. It was nice.
I get home and I call up my sister to see if dinner is still on, it isn't. So basically I'm just gonna go deposit my check at an ATM and rally on over to Jamie's for the little fun filled weekend we have planned

Yeah, that wasn't so bad at all, quite good actually.
In other news, I met with a photographer last night. He had seen my SB sets and now wants to hire me to do some nudes, sweet deal that I can actually get paid. At first I was a little concerned where the pics would show up, but then I though, "Hey, if any one give me shit about it, I could just point out that they bought the magazine in the first place

It was a good meeting, we had dinner at the polish resturant called Warszawa. It was dank. The food was so good and delightfully interesting. I especially enjoyed the bacon-wrapped dried plumbs. Sounds weird, but damn were they tasty!
Well I better finished getting dressed and head on out, I gots me a lady waiting for me

May the Girth keep and bless you all.

it's just wrong.