Finally something positive!!!!
So I had my first day of work today, working construction. Not really what I had in mind, but hey, it's work. The good thing about it is that my boss, a guy named Ned, is pretty cool. He paid me today which really helped me out with some of my financial troubles. I was able to give my landlord $50 so I don't have him breathing down my neck so much. I sould be able to pay off my parking tickets by the end of next week as well so I won't get myself in trouble in that area.
I got my financial aid stuff figured out, so now I will be able to actually set up an interview with Nancy at the library for real this time. This is good 'cause it will give me the oppourtunity to prove to my sister's roommate that it wasn't a mistake giving me that recomendation. I really hope that I get this gig 'cause it would be a nice little job to have, allow me to get to know some of my fellow students.
I feel really bad about giving my sister such a hard time over the last couple of days, I'm gonna make it up to her. Her and I have been bickering quite a bit over the last couple of days, and my attitude has been kind of negative and I've been putting it on her. That's not right.
She really is my facilitator, I'd still be sleeping on Chuy's floor if it weren't for her. Haircut and Preppy wouldn't have been able to happen if I didn't have this place that I'm staying, so those of you that enjoy my SB work owe her a little gratitude as well.
Things between GangstaSwan and I are going well, I just hope that I don't dissapoint her, she is such a great girl. I don't want to replace her one love, I just want to make her happy. I do my best, but I still see a sadness in her eyes. I know that she still misses him, and I really feel for her. I kind of know how she feels, but on a smaller scale, for I had a love once, just not as long as she did. I just want to make her happy, she definatly deserves it.
All in all, I would definatly consider myself one lucky little girthman, despite how my previous journals made it sound.
I hope everyone out there in SG land is doing good as well.
"Dude, just wait three days, man. Everything always seems to work out in three days."
- Timothy "Timbolicious" Robertson
P.S. I went to see Rocket at the Viper Room on Monday, they "rocked" the house! I'm such a dork
I wound up running out of gas on the way home, on the freeway. Sheer ditzyness on my part, for I forgot to fill up my tank on the way to the show. Two CHP officers were nice enough to push the Girthmobile to the Cloverfield exit (two exits from where I broke down, and actually where I needed to exit anyways) where I threw $20 bucks in. I learned that I actually had more money than I had previously though in my account so that was a total upper. Such an interesting life I lead, never a dull momment.
Girthman out.
So I had my first day of work today, working construction. Not really what I had in mind, but hey, it's work. The good thing about it is that my boss, a guy named Ned, is pretty cool. He paid me today which really helped me out with some of my financial troubles. I was able to give my landlord $50 so I don't have him breathing down my neck so much. I sould be able to pay off my parking tickets by the end of next week as well so I won't get myself in trouble in that area.
I got my financial aid stuff figured out, so now I will be able to actually set up an interview with Nancy at the library for real this time. This is good 'cause it will give me the oppourtunity to prove to my sister's roommate that it wasn't a mistake giving me that recomendation. I really hope that I get this gig 'cause it would be a nice little job to have, allow me to get to know some of my fellow students.
I feel really bad about giving my sister such a hard time over the last couple of days, I'm gonna make it up to her. Her and I have been bickering quite a bit over the last couple of days, and my attitude has been kind of negative and I've been putting it on her. That's not right.
She really is my facilitator, I'd still be sleeping on Chuy's floor if it weren't for her. Haircut and Preppy wouldn't have been able to happen if I didn't have this place that I'm staying, so those of you that enjoy my SB work owe her a little gratitude as well.
Things between GangstaSwan and I are going well, I just hope that I don't dissapoint her, she is such a great girl. I don't want to replace her one love, I just want to make her happy. I do my best, but I still see a sadness in her eyes. I know that she still misses him, and I really feel for her. I kind of know how she feels, but on a smaller scale, for I had a love once, just not as long as she did. I just want to make her happy, she definatly deserves it.
All in all, I would definatly consider myself one lucky little girthman, despite how my previous journals made it sound.
I hope everyone out there in SG land is doing good as well.
"Dude, just wait three days, man. Everything always seems to work out in three days."
- Timothy "Timbolicious" Robertson
P.S. I went to see Rocket at the Viper Room on Monday, they "rocked" the house! I'm such a dork

I wound up running out of gas on the way home, on the freeway. Sheer ditzyness on my part, for I forgot to fill up my tank on the way to the show. Two CHP officers were nice enough to push the Girthmobile to the Cloverfield exit (two exits from where I broke down, and actually where I needed to exit anyways) where I threw $20 bucks in. I learned that I actually had more money than I had previously though in my account so that was a total upper. Such an interesting life I lead, never a dull momment.
Girthman out.
OMG hot throbbing pole of man chicken

I always love your SB sets. Much thanks to Sis. Bickering or not atleast you have a ,what sounds like, nice stable family tie. Siblings will always bicker.