I'm not one to jump to conclutions, I want to hear all sides of the argument before I choose a side. I still consider myself pretty neutral on the subject, I respect Missy, Sean, Olivia and all of the other SG staff for running this site that I've grown to embrace as a part of my life, and I also wish all of the girls that have chosen to leave all the luck in their endeavours. Neither have done me wrong in any way and vice versa. In fact when I called in to the radio show last week, I was treated with respect and hospitality, they personally welcomed me to Los Angeles and made me feel welcome and made the experience a good one.
When I first heard about it I felt bad for the girls, hell, I even wrote Apnea a sympathy comment on her MySpace. Nothing like, "Fuck those fucking fucks!" Something more along the lines of, "Ahh, I just heard about what happened, bum deal." People were trying to make it sound like they were forced to leave and that they were being replaced by impostors, which really sounded ridiculous at first. I knew the obvious facts, two models were gone, yet they weren't moved the arcives. I just wanted to hear or read a public explination before I decided what stance to take on it. I looked all over, Apnea's site, MySpace, LP's site, talking to a couple of the members on here, but I finally found what I was looking for on Olivia's page: the staff's side of the story. If you haven't read it yet, and you want some insite on what the fuck it up, go read it now.
I posted this in her journal:
I know there was a reason why I didn't jump on to the "fuck SG" bandwaggon, and I wasn't just because of me being fairly new to the site, (I joined in July) it was because I wanted to know all sides of the story before I formed an opinion. I was pissed at first, not because of Apnea or Katie or what ever went down(frankly all of that really wasn't any of my business as I don't know either of them personally and really never had an actuall converstation with them), but because of the fact that I popped on to the site one dark september evening to try and forget about some of my troubles and found myself getting pulled into this sensless drama that I didn't want any part of. All I wanted was sanctuary and that particular evening, I wasn't going to find it here. I wound up going out and sitting in my car and listening to Primus and Misfits for about an hour and a half.
I have never been one to join an angry mob just because "everyone was doing it."
DARE taught me to resist peer preasure somewhere in there while they were peaking my interest in drugs I had never heard of.
SG has been very good to me since I've joined, and frankly it truly is the best at what it does. I've tried out a couple of the other sites, but wound up back here, you guy's definatly have you're shit togeather and the community definatly has a higher concentration of intelligent, good natured, fun, polite, and all round badass people than MySpace will ever have. I barely even go there anymore, just because of all of the CONSTANT drama that goes on there.
In a shorter way of saying it, I love SG.
Frankly everyone that was joining in on the "boycott" thing was just buying into the hype. The reality of the matter was that a couple of SG's were just moving to a competing site.
I really hate drama, I have a rule when people are around me: The 20 meters that surround me is designated as a NO-DRAMA ZONE. When people start to ensite it around me, I either ask them to take it somewhere else or I leave. In this case I'm gonna ask that people keep me out of this kind of bullshit. I didn't pay for a memebership to add to the drama in my life, I joined to have a place to get away from it.
I know I'm gonna catch some shit for this journal, but I don't care. I AM entitled to my own opinion and I actually have put some time and thought behind mine so I you really have that big of a problem with it, you're not worth my time anyways.