So I'm still alive....
So it took me a while to get out of Bozeman, but not before I had the distinct pleasure of getting punched in the face by some idiot redneck out side of the R Bar for absolutly no apparent reason. (The reason he gave was that I was east coast trash, the thing is, I'M NOT FROM THE EAST COAST, fuckin dumbass) Anyways so I go Martin Luther King style for two very good reasons; I didn't feel like being this asshole's enabler, and I had an 8th of mushrooms, a rather large bag of marijuana, and my pipe on my person at the time and the thought of talking to an officer of the law didn't really sound like the best thing to have to do. So I take to punch like a man and me and my buddy AB make our way back to the Movie Mantion. INTERESTING POST SCRIPT: As we leave, five guys jump the redneck in a nearby alley, Karma's a bitch ain't it?
So, anyways, the tatoo wound up not happening, which is also a bummer, but hey, I have all the time in the world to get that done.
The trip down was pretty uneventfull, just me getting stoned and driving for hours and hours. I did see some interesting things along the way though...
that was a hairy situation...
So I survive the trip and I get to Los Angeles sometime in the afternood of the 2nd. I get horribly lost on the freeway. I miss my exit to the 10 and I start to freak, but then the words 'Don't Panic' shoot through my cranium. I somehow find my way to the ten then in to West L.A. From there I proceed to drive out to god knows where trying to find this guy Jason's house (a friend of my dad's who's suppose to hook me up with a temporaray place to stay), I find it and wind up having a 2 and a half hour conversation with this girl that's living there. She's all telling me about how she's done some nude scenes in a couple of films. I say to her,"Yeah, I've done something like that."
So Jason comes home and sets me up at his friend, Chuy's place. It's a one bedroom apt shared by two guys, I made three. It was located over on Venice and Sepulveda, interesting area. I really didn't have any room to unpack my things so I just left everything in my car, which was parked on Sepulveda, which made me very paranoid. Also, I was sleeping on the floor in the corner of the living room, it was awesome
I do what I can to pass the time, take care of what I know I can take care of; go to my school interview, get finatcial aid stuff and start filling it out, stop when I get to the part where I need to put an address and phone #. I was in desperate need of my sister's guidence and knowlege of things like, her address and where I would be able to get a cell phone hooked up. (I've been using my Montana celly which costs 69 cents/minute down here.) Unfortunatly she's away at Burning Man untill Monday.
Finally my sister gets back from Burning Man and she helps me out getting adjusted to life in the big city; Get's me hooked up with a room in Santa Monica for $600/month, hooks me up with a kick ass cell phone to set up prepaid service on, show's me places to find work, and get's me a hair cut (apparantly I needed one, I dissagree, but I really need a job so I guess it was a good move.).
Anyways, I'm here now. I'm all hooked up, and soon I will be taking some new(d) pictures
Oh, yeah, by the way, I got a new camera in Bozeman
I'M BACK!!!!
So it took me a while to get out of Bozeman, but not before I had the distinct pleasure of getting punched in the face by some idiot redneck out side of the R Bar for absolutly no apparent reason. (The reason he gave was that I was east coast trash, the thing is, I'M NOT FROM THE EAST COAST, fuckin dumbass) Anyways so I go Martin Luther King style for two very good reasons; I didn't feel like being this asshole's enabler, and I had an 8th of mushrooms, a rather large bag of marijuana, and my pipe on my person at the time and the thought of talking to an officer of the law didn't really sound like the best thing to have to do. So I take to punch like a man and me and my buddy AB make our way back to the Movie Mantion. INTERESTING POST SCRIPT: As we leave, five guys jump the redneck in a nearby alley, Karma's a bitch ain't it?
So, anyways, the tatoo wound up not happening, which is also a bummer, but hey, I have all the time in the world to get that done.
The trip down was pretty uneventfull, just me getting stoned and driving for hours and hours. I did see some interesting things along the way though...

that was a hairy situation...

So I survive the trip and I get to Los Angeles sometime in the afternood of the 2nd. I get horribly lost on the freeway. I miss my exit to the 10 and I start to freak, but then the words 'Don't Panic' shoot through my cranium. I somehow find my way to the ten then in to West L.A. From there I proceed to drive out to god knows where trying to find this guy Jason's house (a friend of my dad's who's suppose to hook me up with a temporaray place to stay), I find it and wind up having a 2 and a half hour conversation with this girl that's living there. She's all telling me about how she's done some nude scenes in a couple of films. I say to her,"Yeah, I've done something like that."
So Jason comes home and sets me up at his friend, Chuy's place. It's a one bedroom apt shared by two guys, I made three. It was located over on Venice and Sepulveda, interesting area. I really didn't have any room to unpack my things so I just left everything in my car, which was parked on Sepulveda, which made me very paranoid. Also, I was sleeping on the floor in the corner of the living room, it was awesome

I do what I can to pass the time, take care of what I know I can take care of; go to my school interview, get finatcial aid stuff and start filling it out, stop when I get to the part where I need to put an address and phone #. I was in desperate need of my sister's guidence and knowlege of things like, her address and where I would be able to get a cell phone hooked up. (I've been using my Montana celly which costs 69 cents/minute down here.) Unfortunatly she's away at Burning Man untill Monday.
Finally my sister gets back from Burning Man and she helps me out getting adjusted to life in the big city; Get's me hooked up with a room in Santa Monica for $600/month, hooks me up with a kick ass cell phone to set up prepaid service on, show's me places to find work, and get's me a hair cut (apparantly I needed one, I dissagree, but I really need a job so I guess it was a good move.).
Anyways, I'm here now. I'm all hooked up, and soon I will be taking some new(d) pictures

I'M BACK!!!!
awesome set
yeah, just wanted to add--your pics are pretty hot! very nice indeed