I just keep on getting sucked more and more into the community here, I love it!
You are looking at the new owner of the Seinfeld group. (Click the picture to go there)
I inherited it from Assassin, who had been trying to get rid of it for quite some time. I have had every attempt at starting a group rejected, so I jumped at the opportunity to take it over.
By the way, shame on those of you that have been giving her and ParoxysmicLove a hard time. They are both dynamite gals, and frankly two of the coolest people on here so, with all due respect, all you haters can fuck right off
Anyways, there is a wicked thunderstorm happening outside so I'm gonna go enjoy the show, laters
You are looking at the new owner of the Seinfeld group. (Click the picture to go there)

I inherited it from Assassin, who had been trying to get rid of it for quite some time. I have had every attempt at starting a group rejected, so I jumped at the opportunity to take it over.
By the way, shame on those of you that have been giving her and ParoxysmicLove a hard time. They are both dynamite gals, and frankly two of the coolest people on here so, with all due respect, all you haters can fuck right off

Anyways, there is a wicked thunderstorm happening outside so I'm gonna go enjoy the show, laters

Congrats on the Seinfeld group
Enjoy the storm!

Those are always good comments to hear tho right?? *drools* it has to be go0d to have girls drooling over your nakedness on a site full of naked chicks right?