Ugh, It's been quite the week. I made a quick desition to not stay here until October and that I'm movin to L.A. on the 20th. I'm going to be starting my animation education (that rhymes
) then sometime next month. I might have a place lined up in Hollywood, which I'm excited and terrified about. I will be rooming with some chill people I know so its all good. My Plan goes as follows:
19th: Get Web Design Certification, Pack Bare Essentials: Comics, Clothes, Computer, and a couple of boxes with books and artwork and shit.
20th: Go up to Missoula and get Lip pierced, then head down to Bozeman.
21st-26th: Say goodbyes, get "Girth" tat done by Sara, get my deposit back from my landlord (stingy ass bitch hasen't gotten it to me yet), Go have a drink (or 10) at the Scoop with AB, Nando, and Brandner.
26th: Head down south and prepare for the biggest endeavour I have ever partook in.
It's gonna be a blast. I'm stoked.
Anyways, I went to the wrong party this weekend. It started off when I went to Missoula to see my homeboy Tim, he and his dad were in town from Bozeman for the gun show. Tim's dad took us out to Johnny Carino's for dinner, it was delicous
. It was weird though, as I was driving Tim over there (his dad was following us) I started talking about my grandparents for some reason, then when we got there, they were walking out of the resturant
. They were all like, "We were just talking about you." How weird is that? My grandpa started talking guns with Tim's dad and I was letting Tim in on the knowledge that my grandparents were ex cops. When they took off, my grandpa had to comment on the flip flops I was wearing. "Next time you go out, where some shoes." "Allright officer
So after dinner me and Tim and his father parted ways, and I gave my buddy Brando a call cause I was in the neighborhood. We ended up rollin back to Hamilton togeather and getting involved with this Kegger that his buddy Rob was trying to get bumpin'. Somehow I get conned into picking up the keg and like five people(that I really despise
) all insist that they ride along. So there's barely enough room in my CAR for the keg and there's these drunk assholes in my ride. One of which is someone that I hate so much that if I were to murder him in cold blood, I would be able to stare him strait in the eyes as I was doing it and feel no remorse whatsoever. These people are grade a scum, seriously. They rob shit out of people's cars for recreation, fuck people over constantly. When we return I discover that I had just run out of gas
. The really fun part of the evening was when one of em though it would be funny to run out of the house brandishing this airsoft pistol (you know, the ones that look like real guns) and stick it in my face screaming, "What ya gonna do now punk?!"
Now I don't like it when people point guns at me, especially when they're drunk. It reallly pisses me off. Really
. I grab the gun by the barrel, point it towards the ground and headbutt the stupid redneck peice of shit for putting that kind of stress on me. His Idiot friend gets all up in my face saying, "What the fuck, punk? That was a fake gun!" Well I didn't know that, and I was drunk. Fortunatly eveyone had my back due to the sheer stupidity on the "gunman's" side. Even better, these assholes have the audasity to ask, then demand a ride home, 9 miles out of my way. Yeah, fuck that. "Your just a little bitch!" Uhh, yeah, like that's gonna get me to give you a ride. I HAVE NO GAS IN MY CAR ASSHOLE. I RAN IT OUT GETTING YOUR FUCKING KEG. So they wind up storming off down the highway trying to hitch a ride. Dumbasses. My homies Brandon and JB both spot me some cash and I roll down to the gas station in JB's car to fill up the gas can Rob let me use. I wind up getting home at like 5am. I didn't really even want to go to this supid ass party. Anyways, I made it out alive and I actually made a couple of friends at that party doing my Scooby and Shaggy impressions, so it wasnt all bad.

19th: Get Web Design Certification, Pack Bare Essentials: Comics, Clothes, Computer, and a couple of boxes with books and artwork and shit.
20th: Go up to Missoula and get Lip pierced, then head down to Bozeman.
21st-26th: Say goodbyes, get "Girth" tat done by Sara, get my deposit back from my landlord (stingy ass bitch hasen't gotten it to me yet), Go have a drink (or 10) at the Scoop with AB, Nando, and Brandner.
26th: Head down south and prepare for the biggest endeavour I have ever partook in.
It's gonna be a blast. I'm stoked.
Anyways, I went to the wrong party this weekend. It started off when I went to Missoula to see my homeboy Tim, he and his dad were in town from Bozeman for the gun show. Tim's dad took us out to Johnny Carino's for dinner, it was delicous

So after dinner me and Tim and his father parted ways, and I gave my buddy Brando a call cause I was in the neighborhood. We ended up rollin back to Hamilton togeather and getting involved with this Kegger that his buddy Rob was trying to get bumpin'. Somehow I get conned into picking up the keg and like five people(that I really despise

Now I don't like it when people point guns at me, especially when they're drunk. It reallly pisses me off. Really

Veeery nice SB set. 

hi! your SB set was hot.