Last night sucked.
Really hard.
I locked my keys in my car...
...while it was running... a gas station.
I didn't have any money to pay a locksmith so I had to try to break in to it myself. The problem is that it's not as easy as using a coat hanger the jimmy it open. It has power locks which can only be opened by hitting the button on the side of the door.
After struggling with it, and fucking up the side of my door big time, for a good hour and a half, one of the guys at the station saunters up and uses a master key that he had on him.
The door pops right open. I couldn't believe it.
And that's how I wound up using 3 gallons of gas to get a pack of cigarettes.
Really hard.
I locked my keys in my car...
...while it was running... a gas station.
I didn't have any money to pay a locksmith so I had to try to break in to it myself. The problem is that it's not as easy as using a coat hanger the jimmy it open. It has power locks which can only be opened by hitting the button on the side of the door.
After struggling with it, and fucking up the side of my door big time, for a good hour and a half, one of the guys at the station saunters up and uses a master key that he had on him.
The door pops right open. I couldn't believe it.
And that's how I wound up using 3 gallons of gas to get a pack of cigarettes.
wow thats no good dude but at least in the end you got it working
that totally sucks.....