Hey all.
My internet at home went out [the free wi-fi connection diskapeered] so I'm actually writing this from the darkened computer lab at school. I've been animating Girth-man for the last 10 hours or so.
You see, last week, Wednesday to be exact, I lost all the work that I spent the previous two and a half weeks on, so yeah, I've had some major catching up to do. Thank god for these extended hours.
I may have a kick ass gig comming up, stay tuned for the details.
I've reintroduced myself to myspace cause i've been added by some of my SG peeps, along with some others that see frequently on here. I still hate the motherfucker though. I like it here better.
Yay! I get paid on Friday, and boy it can't come soon enough. I hate being broke.
Blah blah blah. Enough of that shit.
I found my moleskine the other day, it was during my despirate search for my GameBoy, which turned out unsucessful. I am almost certain of it's location, and I hope that it is there, 'cause if it's not, I dunno what the fuck I'm gonna do.
Life wouldn't be worth living if I lost it.
Ok, it's not that bad, but I would be totally bummed if it got lost somewhere during my whole homeless stretch.
Anyhow, I got some work to attend to so I'll catch you all latah!
My internet at home went out [the free wi-fi connection diskapeered] so I'm actually writing this from the darkened computer lab at school. I've been animating Girth-man for the last 10 hours or so.
You see, last week, Wednesday to be exact, I lost all the work that I spent the previous two and a half weeks on, so yeah, I've had some major catching up to do. Thank god for these extended hours.
I may have a kick ass gig comming up, stay tuned for the details.
I've reintroduced myself to myspace cause i've been added by some of my SG peeps, along with some others that see frequently on here. I still hate the motherfucker though. I like it here better.
Yay! I get paid on Friday, and boy it can't come soon enough. I hate being broke.
Blah blah blah. Enough of that shit.
I found my moleskine the other day, it was during my despirate search for my GameBoy, which turned out unsucessful. I am almost certain of it's location, and I hope that it is there, 'cause if it's not, I dunno what the fuck I'm gonna do.
Life wouldn't be worth living if I lost it.
Ok, it's not that bad, but I would be totally bummed if it got lost somewhere during my whole homeless stretch.
Anyhow, I got some work to attend to so I'll catch you all latah!