We all lost this great man today.
I'd like a momment of silence please.
The Girthmobile is very sick. She needs to go to the mechanic very badly, however, I need to wait until I can cover her medical costs before I do.
I think there's something wrong with the radiator, because it keeps on overheating. I all started the other night when I was driving out to Hollywood for LauraJean's party, which was a blast by the way. The engine temperature light went on as I went to park it. Then on the way home, she started smoking on the 105, so I pulled over. I had practically lost all of my oil so the one quart that I put in didn't help much, plus I was in need of coolant. The dutiful and helpful officers of the California Highway Patrole helped push my car off the freeway; on to Crenshaw.
There I spent the last of any remnance of legal tender that I had on a gallon of coolant and three quarts of motor oil.
I got her running again and made it home.
Now last night, it happened again; on the way to the SGLA "screw-off gift exchange" at the Pantry downtown.
It was already a sketchy drive back due to the fact that I was on "blinking E" (that's Cadillac for, "Youze outta gas, mothafucka") the entire time, but bean hooked me up with a two liter bottle so I could put some water in my radiator if I needed.
I wound up getting rediculously lost, but found my way. Got some help from some very nice people, they saw that I was in pretty bad shape so they didn't ask me for any change. One of them asked me the same question about Montana that everyone asks me, "Isn't there no speed limit out there?"
"No, we have had one since 2000, the gub-ment made us get one."
I was so amazed that The Girthmobile actually made it home, I'm so proud of her, such a trooper she is.
But unfortunatly, in her best intrests, I'm going to obstain from driving her until I can remedy this problem. I hope my sister won't mind giving me a ride here and there.
The screw-off was fucking awesome. I'm gonna post some pictures up as soon as I get some from the people that were there. I took some video, so I'm gonna try to get it edited to a nice little peice. I didn't really get as much footage as I would have liked, but the battery ran out. Oh well.
I wound up getting a really kick ass Chess/Backgammon/Checkers set that was brought by Sexy Beast, I new I was keeping it when I opened it. I also got a really kick ass SG messanger bag. It's so gonna replace my crappy AIU bag that I got from the student store.
I got groped by Nefaria, and I got some props from Shalome on my recent SuicideBoys work (the link system, the icons, the videoset). I also met some very kick ass people tonight. Min and her boyfriend Adam were the two very cool people that were sitting across from me. Got to chill out with Dan_8bit again, I've been trying to convince him to shoot a SuicideBoys set for a while now, ever since I learned of him entertainting the though of it. He would be great, he's definatly got a look and persona that would go over well.
I have to say, the new look SG is sportin' today is pretty sweet. Kudos on the new wallpaper and rock on to the new comments set up. I'm diggin' it.
Well I think I'm gonna wrap this novel up and call it a night... er morning. Fuck, I have to be in class in three hours. Bumski. DAMN YOU INSOMNIA!!! DAMN YOU TO HELL!!!
I am actually in a good mood right now, really. It's because of all you beautiful people
Seriously, you guys are great, you keep me going. When I'm at work all I can think of is, "I just can't wait to go home and see what's happening on SG!" I usually wind up caving in and checking it at work
But I just wanted to say that, I really love you guys, you're all really great.
I just wanted you all to know that
We all lost this great man today.

I'd like a momment of silence please.
The Girthmobile is very sick. She needs to go to the mechanic very badly, however, I need to wait until I can cover her medical costs before I do.
I think there's something wrong with the radiator, because it keeps on overheating. I all started the other night when I was driving out to Hollywood for LauraJean's party, which was a blast by the way. The engine temperature light went on as I went to park it. Then on the way home, she started smoking on the 105, so I pulled over. I had practically lost all of my oil so the one quart that I put in didn't help much, plus I was in need of coolant. The dutiful and helpful officers of the California Highway Patrole helped push my car off the freeway; on to Crenshaw.
There I spent the last of any remnance of legal tender that I had on a gallon of coolant and three quarts of motor oil.
I got her running again and made it home.
Now last night, it happened again; on the way to the SGLA "screw-off gift exchange" at the Pantry downtown.
It was already a sketchy drive back due to the fact that I was on "blinking E" (that's Cadillac for, "Youze outta gas, mothafucka") the entire time, but bean hooked me up with a two liter bottle so I could put some water in my radiator if I needed.
I wound up getting rediculously lost, but found my way. Got some help from some very nice people, they saw that I was in pretty bad shape so they didn't ask me for any change. One of them asked me the same question about Montana that everyone asks me, "Isn't there no speed limit out there?"
"No, we have had one since 2000, the gub-ment made us get one."
I was so amazed that The Girthmobile actually made it home, I'm so proud of her, such a trooper she is.
But unfortunatly, in her best intrests, I'm going to obstain from driving her until I can remedy this problem. I hope my sister won't mind giving me a ride here and there.
The screw-off was fucking awesome. I'm gonna post some pictures up as soon as I get some from the people that were there. I took some video, so I'm gonna try to get it edited to a nice little peice. I didn't really get as much footage as I would have liked, but the battery ran out. Oh well.
I wound up getting a really kick ass Chess/Backgammon/Checkers set that was brought by Sexy Beast, I new I was keeping it when I opened it. I also got a really kick ass SG messanger bag. It's so gonna replace my crappy AIU bag that I got from the student store.
I got groped by Nefaria, and I got some props from Shalome on my recent SuicideBoys work (the link system, the icons, the videoset). I also met some very kick ass people tonight. Min and her boyfriend Adam were the two very cool people that were sitting across from me. Got to chill out with Dan_8bit again, I've been trying to convince him to shoot a SuicideBoys set for a while now, ever since I learned of him entertainting the though of it. He would be great, he's definatly got a look and persona that would go over well.
I have to say, the new look SG is sportin' today is pretty sweet. Kudos on the new wallpaper and rock on to the new comments set up. I'm diggin' it.
Well I think I'm gonna wrap this novel up and call it a night... er morning. Fuck, I have to be in class in three hours. Bumski. DAMN YOU INSOMNIA!!! DAMN YOU TO HELL!!!
I am actually in a good mood right now, really. It's because of all you beautiful people

I just wanted you all to know that

On the car note--
Have some spare time this week? I had the same fookin' problem with my Dodge Spirt back in the day, so cooling system problems are old hat for me. I could trek up there and at least troubleshoot. Best case it's a bad thermostat-- $15 later you're on your way again.