Hey all,
I'm at work, I'm actaully running the risk of getting in trouble for updating whilst on the clock, but hey, no one's in here.
The shoot went ok. It got done at least. My professor decided to set me up with the half blind kid as my cinematographer because "I'd have the most patience with him." This is true, however, it was frustraiting that it took forever for him to set up every shot. Plus the rest of the crew was giving him bad vibes which made him nervious. I didn't appreciate that too much 'cause, hey, that's my job. I just wanted him to do his job. Last thing I needed was for him to be under preasure. My homegirl Partycja was the boom operator. A little info about her: she's 5'3 and weighs about 90lbs, this was not a fun job for her. We wound up singing a variation of Shade's "Smooth Operator" to her.
"She's a Boom Operator, she's a boooooom operator..."
This girl Mia was my AD. She didn't do anything. That was the most frustrating. Even more so, she was giving me attitude.
My actors were awesome though, they totally nailed their parts. Even Derrik, who had to jump in to the "Rodge" role cause Rickey didn't show.
My miniDV camera's battery is dead, and I don't have the charger. I really want to upload my footage on to my computer for editing, but alas, can't find anyone with a charger, I guess it's a trip to Radio Shack for me!
When I get it all edited and finished, I'll try to put it up on here for ya'll to watch.
Well, I better get back to work. Only an hour left ::YAY::
I'm at work, I'm actaully running the risk of getting in trouble for updating whilst on the clock, but hey, no one's in here.
The shoot went ok. It got done at least. My professor decided to set me up with the half blind kid as my cinematographer because "I'd have the most patience with him." This is true, however, it was frustraiting that it took forever for him to set up every shot. Plus the rest of the crew was giving him bad vibes which made him nervious. I didn't appreciate that too much 'cause, hey, that's my job. I just wanted him to do his job. Last thing I needed was for him to be under preasure. My homegirl Partycja was the boom operator. A little info about her: she's 5'3 and weighs about 90lbs, this was not a fun job for her. We wound up singing a variation of Shade's "Smooth Operator" to her.
"She's a Boom Operator, she's a boooooom operator..."
This girl Mia was my AD. She didn't do anything. That was the most frustrating. Even more so, she was giving me attitude.

My actors were awesome though, they totally nailed their parts. Even Derrik, who had to jump in to the "Rodge" role cause Rickey didn't show.
My miniDV camera's battery is dead, and I don't have the charger. I really want to upload my footage on to my computer for editing, but alas, can't find anyone with a charger, I guess it's a trip to Radio Shack for me!
When I get it all edited and finished, I'll try to put it up on here for ya'll to watch.
Well, I better get back to work. Only an hour left ::YAY::
also, a crew giving a half-blind DP bad vibes = NOT GOOD...bad vibes do not belong on a set...as a filmmaker, I hate things like that