Hey all, sorry I haven't been as active as I usually am. I don't really have internet at the momment (I kind of do, but it's a really shitty connection that I'm siphoning off of that cuts out every thirty seconds
) so it makes it kind of hard. I'm actually using one of the computers at work right now to write this, but I'm not on the clock for another half hour so it should be allright.
My new place is awesome, my roommate rocks, and more importantly, there is no where near as much traffic out here as there was in Santa Monica. It's cleaner and nicer out here as well. Oh yeah, I don't have to worry about parking tickets anymore either.
I'm gonna be getting a new set up for y'all here pretty soon. I have a back yard and a kick ass deck now, so I can actually pull off an outdoor set
I'm still planning my big comic adaptation that is nothing like any of you have ever seen. That will come as soon as I get the time and extra cash to blow on it, but don't worry, it will be awesome.
I got a new job as well, doing web stuff for this company that sells electric skateboards. It's pretty cush, I'm making $10/hour just resizing photos and designing logos. I'm gonna get a raise once they put me on the payroll, right now it's all under the table.
Due to my lack of internet, I've been spending my free time playing lots and lots of Super Nintendo. I've been rocking EarthBound pretty hard the last couple of days, I just got to Summers. I am so amped to hear about EB2 comming out on GBA, cause I have a GBA
(I'm such a dork) I'm just wating for Mother 1+2 (EarthBound 0 and EarthBound) to come out stateside.
Well, now it's ten minutes 'till I'm on the clock so I'm gonna wrap this up.
I'll be back in the regular rotation soon
Until then, check out the impromptu set GangstaSwan shot for me here.
Catch you all later, and those of you in the greater Los Angeles area that are attending the SG Live show, I'll see you all tonight

My new place is awesome, my roommate rocks, and more importantly, there is no where near as much traffic out here as there was in Santa Monica. It's cleaner and nicer out here as well. Oh yeah, I don't have to worry about parking tickets anymore either.
I'm gonna be getting a new set up for y'all here pretty soon. I have a back yard and a kick ass deck now, so I can actually pull off an outdoor set

I got a new job as well, doing web stuff for this company that sells electric skateboards. It's pretty cush, I'm making $10/hour just resizing photos and designing logos. I'm gonna get a raise once they put me on the payroll, right now it's all under the table.
Due to my lack of internet, I've been spending my free time playing lots and lots of Super Nintendo. I've been rocking EarthBound pretty hard the last couple of days, I just got to Summers. I am so amped to hear about EB2 comming out on GBA, cause I have a GBA

Well, now it's ten minutes 'till I'm on the clock so I'm gonna wrap this up.
I'll be back in the regular rotation soon

Catch you all later, and those of you in the greater Los Angeles area that are attending the SG Live show, I'll see you all tonight

Silly me forgot to make a link ... oh wells.
8 sets?
damn ur a pimp.