here is the situation:
after nearly two years of separation i agreed to take my wife back. we live like 3000 miles apart, so we don't really have to deal with each other that often. initially she was uncharacteristically affectionate. it was nice, but a little creepy considering how she's been since i've known her. then i go home for a week to visit her and spend time with my son.
i get back and now she's back to being a full-on negative grouchy-pants. i tried to be a light in her darkness, to share with her some positive energy to pull herself out of this sudden funk. all i get in return is a cold shoulder and screened calls/texts. apparently affection beyond a hardy slap on the ass is not only annoying to her, but borders on offensive. WTF?
well then i started getting all negative and upset. and it was really fuckin up my week. then i realized something! i'm gonna just be Mr. Positive Guy and do all the cheesy romantic randomness I have in my repartee and keep up with the lovin and supportiveness i can fit into my budget. eventually she'll lighten up, or she'll dump my ass. either way, i win.
after nearly two years of separation i agreed to take my wife back. we live like 3000 miles apart, so we don't really have to deal with each other that often. initially she was uncharacteristically affectionate. it was nice, but a little creepy considering how she's been since i've known her. then i go home for a week to visit her and spend time with my son.

Way to turn it into a win/win! Also, good luck with that whole thing!