Sci-Fi Junky Wet Dream!!
so after FINALLY getting to see the first episode of Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles i couldn't help but start digging around trying to sate my need for more. what else have i to do while i wait for the rest to download? anyway, i confirmed my suspicions of why the first season was ONLY 9 friggin episodes (that tragic writer's strike) and happened across a few other nerdy gems while i was at it:
GIJOE live action flick looks fucking awesome. Ray Park is gonna kick the holy shit outta some Cobra.
Transformers 2 is in progress. Shai Le'queef kinda ruined the last installment of Indiana Jones for me so i'm hoping this will redeem him. i can't get enough of the first movie.
The Witchblade projected to be released in 2009 is the full-length motion picture adaptation of my all-time favorite comic book series!! OMFG!
there has yet to be an announced cast, so i decided to throw together a cast of my own. check it out:
Sara Pezzini (Witchblade): Elisha Cuthbert (Girl Next Door; House of Wax)
Kenneth Irons: random no-name n00b?
Ian Nottingham: Karl Urban (Doom; Pathfinder)
I'm not sure if Cuthbert would be up for the physical stuff involved, but she DEFINITELY has the look. I saw someone recommend Monica Beluci (Matrix Reloaded; Shoot Em Up), but i think she's a little too sultry for a NY cop. she'd make a great Witchblade but an awful Sara Pazzini... Karl Urban is, as far as I'm concerned THE choice for Nottingham. He can do stoic psychopath very well and could keep up with the insane stunts and such. nothing worse than a pansy pretending to be an action star.
that's it for now. if you took the time to share my thoughts thank you and happy geeking.
so after FINALLY getting to see the first episode of Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles i couldn't help but start digging around trying to sate my need for more. what else have i to do while i wait for the rest to download? anyway, i confirmed my suspicions of why the first season was ONLY 9 friggin episodes (that tragic writer's strike) and happened across a few other nerdy gems while i was at it:
GIJOE live action flick looks fucking awesome. Ray Park is gonna kick the holy shit outta some Cobra.
Transformers 2 is in progress. Shai Le'queef kinda ruined the last installment of Indiana Jones for me so i'm hoping this will redeem him. i can't get enough of the first movie.

The Witchblade projected to be released in 2009 is the full-length motion picture adaptation of my all-time favorite comic book series!! OMFG!

Sara Pezzini (Witchblade): Elisha Cuthbert (Girl Next Door; House of Wax)
Kenneth Irons: random no-name n00b?
Ian Nottingham: Karl Urban (Doom; Pathfinder)
I'm not sure if Cuthbert would be up for the physical stuff involved, but she DEFINITELY has the look. I saw someone recommend Monica Beluci (Matrix Reloaded; Shoot Em Up), but i think she's a little too sultry for a NY cop. she'd make a great Witchblade but an awful Sara Pazzini... Karl Urban is, as far as I'm concerned THE choice for Nottingham. He can do stoic psychopath very well and could keep up with the insane stunts and such. nothing worse than a pansy pretending to be an action star.
that's it for now. if you took the time to share my thoughts thank you and happy geeking.