Today was very busy.... for once. I went to a fair, went on scary rides (the tame ones scare me) , I saw horse races and I saw a pig race!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Since y'all don't know me, please let me explain. I love pigs
so much. Who knows why but I have been obsessed with them since I was a little one. I got to see two konekone pigs and I got to pet a baby pot bellied pig! The day was great except I have a bone to pick with those pig racing people. I don't mind the racing because it is a little run and it is meant to be funny. The pigs aren't worked constantly or anything like that. The one problem I do have is that the baby pig, Swifty, is being taught how to jump into a little tub of water and swim to the other side. Although this tub is small, little Swifty did not want to jump today and she was squealing and making a fuss and it was horrible to watch. I don't understand how anyone could kill a pig. Pigs are so wonderful and sweet and loyal. Ah, enough gushing. I have work to do
And if you eat pork, please stop. A pig would save your life, but that is another story and it wil lbe saved for another entry.

And if you eat pork, please stop. A pig would save your life, but that is another story and it wil lbe saved for another entry.