Back in 2005, I met a photographer, Steve, through One Model Place that was travelling through Denver and wanted to shoot nudes at night in very public places. His work was awesome so I jumped at the chance. It turned out that my shoot in Denver was part of a much larger journey that Steve and a film crew were on. They started in California and travelled through 24 states in 24 days, shooting one picture a night. This amazing project is called Beauty 24. The documentary has been winning all kinds of awards at various film festivals and I finally got a chance to see it a couple of weekends ago. Fucking awesome! I shot with him again while he was in town for the film, this time on a pedestrian bridge over the highway. Here's one of the pics from that shoot.
If you want to see the movie, it will be here until February 14th. The Cinequest Film Festival has teamed up with for a special "Audience Favorite" competition for their 2008 festival. The top TWO feature films with the highest votes gain entry into the festival and will screen in March at the festival in San Jose. Please visit site, check out the film, support the cause with
your vote and PASS IT ALONG! Once you've watched it, let me know what you thought about it.
I have a few shoots coming up, one of which I'll be bodypainted.
I think I've got some more fetish stuff lined up as well as more timed exposure nudes and possibly a shoot for some rockabilly clothing line.
This pic was up here for a while in my last entry. It's been made into a larger than life size print and is hanging on a gallery wall.
I think eventually it will be for sale, so if you're interested, message me and I'll find out the details.
Here's a pic from late December. This one courtesy of Rick DeNooy.
If you want to see the movie, it will be here until February 14th. The Cinequest Film Festival has teamed up with for a special "Audience Favorite" competition for their 2008 festival. The top TWO feature films with the highest votes gain entry into the festival and will screen in March at the festival in San Jose. Please visit site, check out the film, support the cause with
your vote and PASS IT ALONG! Once you've watched it, let me know what you thought about it.
I have a few shoots coming up, one of which I'll be bodypainted.
This pic was up here for a while in my last entry. It's been made into a larger than life size print and is hanging on a gallery wall.
Here's a pic from late December. This one courtesy of Rick DeNooy.
Thanks....The site has changed alot since I was here last!
Such a cool and varied group of pics - I'm really glad I happened onto your page. You sound really interesting and I love that you're a sexy wife and mom who continues to model and has such tales to tell. There are a ton of beautiful women at this site, as you well know, but it's always special when one finds a beautiful woman with something to say. Pleased to meet you.