So, yesterday I turned 23.

I'm dealing with it better than I did last year... I had a breakdown in the middle of a bar, but maybe it was just the whiskey talking.

In other news, my apartment building is in foreclosure. Awesome. I got served papers yesterday by some man in a silver truck.

I also had 2 tests.

Happy birthday to me!
I hate my car. And it hates me back. I think the fuel pump finally went on it. Which isn't too bad of a fix, just frustrating as hell. But it did get me home today, somehow. I have no idea. It died on my street. Wow.

So I guess I'll be taking the bus or riding my bike from here on out, which isn't...
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I guess I should probably introduce myself.

I'm from St. Pete, Fla. I'm a pre-med student, but I originally went to school for photography.

I enjoy riding my bike (yes, bicycle) to school, old cameras, crafty stuff (knitting, crocheting... yeah, I'm lame), and cooking. Of course I enjoy photography- every aspect of it. I wish I could bottle up the smell of a darkroom just...
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Welcome to the site! smile
welcome to SG smile
looking forward to more blogs, and pictures...you'll find this is a fun place to be!