I just bought this bra.
Very exciting. I can't wait to wear it.
I also bought those.
Oh fuck I'll just post everything I bought.
And I bought this set for my internship that starts in August.
Also, the other night I had a dream about the tattoo I would like to get. Since I was 18 I was talking about getting one, but I can't think of anything I want on me permanently, and I finally found something. It's going to be based on the poster that my wonderful friend Erik bought me from graduation from high school. I would like to get a few things changed, but here is the picture before I explain the changes, because it'll just sound like I am babbling.

I would like the guy changed to a girl, with lighter hair...sort of as a representation of myself. I was thinking maybe a little less expressionless, but the half smile is starting to grow on me. Inside of the paper flowers spelling something out I'd like them to be blowing away in the wind, kind of wrapping around my ankle. I've been considering if I should add any lyrics or anything, but I'll have to wait and see how it looks once it's finally drawn up.
and where are those bras and panties from? hips and curves?