No happy thoughts happen after 12am. It's just a given.
My tummy doesn't feel so good, and even though my room is a chilly 64 degrees, it's feels like 100 when I put my blanket on.
I got to talking about relationships with an old friend of mine tonight. I lost his friendship in the traumatic break up of 2005. Sadly, I also lost Philadelphia in that one too...god damnit. It seems like lately many people around me are in relationships for all the wrong reasons. Like, it's out of just not being alone. Like...being together and not happy is better then being alone and keeping the search for what is best going. I mean, call me old fashion but I thought the best part about a relationship was sometimes it was the thing that kept you sane, not the thing that causes you the most misery in your day. But maybe that's just cause I've been out of the game for four years. Blah.
Oh, and a note to boys. Please do not kiss my cheek and tell me you love's just really mean. And gets my hopes up when I feel your stupid side burns brush against my cheek. It was also mean when you hold my hand...and cuddle with me...and rub your nose against mine...and when you tell me I'm adorable...but you won't kiss me! Mean mean mean mean mean little boy.
15 days til my birthday.
15 days til iPhone! Mummy says I can't get it til my birthday! Boo!
My tummy doesn't feel so good, and even though my room is a chilly 64 degrees, it's feels like 100 when I put my blanket on.
I got to talking about relationships with an old friend of mine tonight. I lost his friendship in the traumatic break up of 2005. Sadly, I also lost Philadelphia in that one too...god damnit. It seems like lately many people around me are in relationships for all the wrong reasons. Like, it's out of just not being alone. Like...being together and not happy is better then being alone and keeping the search for what is best going. I mean, call me old fashion but I thought the best part about a relationship was sometimes it was the thing that kept you sane, not the thing that causes you the most misery in your day. But maybe that's just cause I've been out of the game for four years. Blah.
Oh, and a note to boys. Please do not kiss my cheek and tell me you love's just really mean. And gets my hopes up when I feel your stupid side burns brush against my cheek. It was also mean when you hold my hand...and cuddle with me...and rub your nose against mine...and when you tell me I'm adorable...but you won't kiss me! Mean mean mean mean mean little boy.
15 days til my birthday.
15 days til iPhone! Mummy says I can't get it til my birthday! Boo!
this post is not as upbeat as your usual but i can relate as I am 4 years out of the game myself.