Well, I'm enjoying these dreidels in the background. A much needed change of pace. You see the problem with Yule is by December 23 I am SO over the whole Deck the Halls thing, and I still have the two most obnoxious days of Christmas insanity to deal with.
I'm exhausted. Got up to watch the sunrise this morning. Then it was gifty time and making pancakes and cleaning up the bomb of toys and wrapping paper that exploded in my living room. Now, I'm finally resting for the first time in about 36 hours.
Oh, and because of all this crazy, busy not sitting still that my life has existed in lately, my husband accused my vagina of having banker's hours. hahahaha
Guess I've neglected him a bit lately.
I'm exhausted. Got up to watch the sunrise this morning. Then it was gifty time and making pancakes and cleaning up the bomb of toys and wrapping paper that exploded in my living room. Now, I'm finally resting for the first time in about 36 hours.
Oh, and because of all this crazy, busy not sitting still that my life has existed in lately, my husband accused my vagina of having banker's hours. hahahaha

We men and our "NEEDS" :-)