I had forgotten how disgusting the smell of laytex during sex can be.
It was well worth it though. Haven't had that kind of shit eating grin on my face in quite some time.
Other than that, I have been doing nothing but studying for the past two days. I'm pretty sure my brain has now turned to mush. Only 4 more days to go.

Other than that, I have been doing nothing but studying for the past two days. I'm pretty sure my brain has now turned to mush. Only 4 more days to go.

good luck on your finals too. and enjoy your shaved legs
well when you have time let yourself feel. i don't talk to my real dad i probably never will i've learned to let go
but on a lighter note good luck on your finals
by the way are you going to the sgla event on thursday night? I'm going to try to make it