I've really got to get it together today. I've let school slide for sooooo long and my apartment is a disaster.
My car just had $1500 worth of work and now I'm paranoid about money. I dreamt last night that we had gone through half of our savings in the last two months and I woke up felling very worried. That's not exactly true, even with the car money, but it's close enough to make me feel very unsettled. I don't like feeling like I have no control over how much money I have. I'm thinking about going back to dancing a couple nights a week. Don't know how well that will fly with Phil since he's already complaining about never having time with me.
Mail my broken phone back
Return DVDs
Go to Target and get a new wreath (it's time to put my pretty black one away).
Buy new sheets that actually fit the mattress
Take Lizard to dance class
Clean up apt.
Watch dancing chicks get naked
My car just had $1500 worth of work and now I'm paranoid about money. I dreamt last night that we had gone through half of our savings in the last two months and I woke up felling very worried. That's not exactly true, even with the car money, but it's close enough to make me feel very unsettled. I don't like feeling like I have no control over how much money I have. I'm thinking about going back to dancing a couple nights a week. Don't know how well that will fly with Phil since he's already complaining about never having time with me.
Mail my broken phone back
Return DVDs
Go to Target and get a new wreath (it's time to put my pretty black one away).
Buy new sheets that actually fit the mattress
Take Lizard to dance class
Clean up apt.
Watch dancing chicks get naked