those little things, they come back to you. they were never little at all.
"im lonely" i thought.
immieditly im instant messaged by an old internet friend from beligum named Julie asking how i have been, and saying how she didnt have long to chat before she had to leave for therepy. she asked how i was and i told her as best i could. she was impressed, and wished the time to discuss my thoughts. we agreed to talk again soon and said goodbye.
every voice, every thought.
"im lonely" i thought.
immieditly im instant messaged by an old internet friend from beligum named Julie asking how i have been, and saying how she didnt have long to chat before she had to leave for therepy. she asked how i was and i told her as best i could. she was impressed, and wished the time to discuss my thoughts. we agreed to talk again soon and said goodbye.
every voice, every thought.

we rule.