Before I get into this, let me ask, can you all work with a family member? More specifically a parent?
Ok, so, I really, REALLY hate working with my dad sometimes. Today is definitely one of those times. I did a timing belt and water pump service on a truck yesterday. Got it all back together before I left yesterday. I come in today and drive it. Everything felt good. But there was antifreeze leaking from somewhere.
Now, yesterday, before I got it all back together, I put the system under pressure to make sure there were no leaks, and there weren't. Even did it again after it was all together to double check, still no leaks. So I was kind of surprised to see a leak this morning.
Anyway, I raise the vehicle up to look around, and what I saw was a leak coming out of the side of the water pump. But my dad? No way he could admit I'm right, so he suggested we replace a hose coming off the pump.
Had he listened to me this morning, I could've had this thing torn back down and be in the process of reassembly. But nooooooo. Now here it is, going on 3 o'clock, and I'm just now starting on taking it all back apart. So yeah, that's pretty much how my day's been.