@booba always gives us amazing wallpapers!!!
@booba always gives us amazing wallpapers!!!
How's it going everyone, long time no see.
Haven't really talked about life stuff in a year or so on here, so let's start way back in early 2020.
I finally quit my cleaning job. Was tired of complete shit management blaming us for stuff they refused to do. Main example... Not getting us supplies so we can do our job. Sites would call and...
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My @calaveraa stickers came in yesterday!
Been needing a sticker for that spot on my guitar for a while now, and her's is the perfect size!
Just gonna jump right in this week...
Up first, @seijasyren
Next, @booba
Next, @neptune
next, @clair
Next, @blizzard
Next, @asiri
Next, @forty
Next, @missmao
Next, @sarahmoon
Next, @eveelyn
Next, @drachen
Next, @eirenne
and finally, @calaveraa
How's it going everybody? Hope everyone is still staying safe and healthy. Let's just jump right in, I've got quite the list this week...
First up, @penny
Next, @camushii
Next, @sophii
Next, @velvetine
Next, @bourbon
Next, @thumper
Next, @kadito
Next, @loulux
Next, @aurralee
Next, @salemgrey
and finally, @foxxy
How's it going everybody? Hope everyone is still staying safe and healthy. I for one am starting to go crazy and am finally giving in and buying a Nintendo switch when I get my taxes back.
First up, @akalli
Next, @copperhead
Next, @lunaraise
Next, @tragicsuicide
Next, @brisen
Next, @zathura
and lastly, @sunniejones
Howdy everybody, I know I missed last week, but I think I'm going to move this to every other week. Anyway, let's get to it...
First up, @aemelia
Next, @lorettarose
Next, @persianshirin
Next, @turtle
Next, @korie
Next, @chari
and lastly, @lovesick
Howdy everybody, it's that time of week again. I'm just gonna jump right in...
First up, @kaegune
Next, @velour
Next, @iamtylerjune
Next, @foxxy
and lastly, @denvermaxx and @sunniejones (new wallpaper pic btw)
Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy in this crazy time.