I woke up this morning completely naked, shivering, face down in a strange bathtub in a pool of my own vomit. Apparently I'd had a bit too much to drink, and my best friend and her boyfriend had to come in and help me after I'd thrown up all over myself and an acquaintence's bathroom. They had to unitie my sixteen eyelet doc martens, which were coated in vomit, and peel off my thigh highs, which were also saturated, I'm not sure who took off my panties, but those were gone too... and It's just really weird because I have no idea how many people came in and saw me naked that night, because the door was left unlocked- I kind of assume everyone was curious, so up to 15 strangers could have seen me naked and covered in pewk..
Isn't that a lovely thought? Ah well, we all have our moments right? I don't think I'm ever going to drink again though. It was the scariest feeling being in the tub, and both of my legs were asleep but i couldn't move because the slightest movement would make me hurl all over myself. I kept on crying and i thought i was going to die. THe joys of drinking. WEll that's SUngod for you. Ok i am tired as fuck so I'm gonna go- but trust me I'm having an exciting time down here IN San Diego.

Tall and cancerous... I would love to see pictures of you.