12/18-- Hey I had a really good day at work today! I was there for eight and a half hours and they just flew by.. it was so nice! All of my customers were sweethearts, and my friend V. came in to the store to do some christmas shopping, so that cheered me up even more! Yay, and tomorrow is payday!!! Just in time cuz all that's left in my gas tank are fumes, and i have a grand total of $2.17 to my name. Ahh, the joy of being an overworked, undersexed freaking minimum wage slave! But anyway, today was a good day, and I can't wait for tomorrow, I get to go to the mall and totally finish off my last minute shopping, and get my packages mailed off. That will be a relief.. Well kisses and hugs to everyone, hope you had a good day, and a great rest of the week!

I really haven't been out to a show in awhile. I think the last one i went to might have been supperhopper at the turf club. although none of it really matters anymore because i'm pretty sure i missed the kdwb christmas show. i think i will make a new years resolution right now to never ever ever let something like that happen again.