hey sg!
new blog, although i feel guilty expecting anyone to read it as i havn't likely been keeping up with yours of late...
still, my news! dad's wedding was excellent. just the bridal couple, their children (and child-in-law) and two closest friends. we met in dad and nicole's hotel room and hung out a little, all frocked up
they hired the same celebrant who married my step-sis and her husband four years ago, which somehow made it feel a lot more personal. the ceremony itself was short and sweet, followed by a really lovely toast. then downstairs for a buffet dinner - and special vegan meals were prepared for my brother and i, it was awesome! when it got late my sis drove me home which was really sweet. i don't live far from the city, but my place is in the opposite direction to hers. dad and nicole left for their honeymoon early the next morning and have spent the last two weeks personally sailing around tropical islands in north queensland
i have two new housemates - both girls, yay! charlotte i have known a few years, although carl has known her since she first moved to melbourne seven years ago. the other is one of char's best friends who has just moved down from sydney. i'd barely met lamour before she moved in but she's lovely
sadly, both these excellent ladies are only staying until charlotte buys her own house for them. the planned date for this is in about 6 weeks time
but char and i still go to uni together, and will still hang out. it's really nice to have her so close though, even for a relatively short while.
last night i hung out with my favourite living band! the black market are on tour and i caught up with them for their short day in melbourne. the show was really good, made even better by the presence of two rad brisbane women who came down with them
i hitched a ride home in the tour van, and had to force myself not to stay on board for the next city. i love tour and havn't been on one since uni started
the opening band last night are definitely worth mentioning too. it was the first time i had seen catgut mary and the mp3s on their myspace do no justice. the band had enormous live energy and sweetened the deal with a cover of the pogues' streams of whiskey. loved it!
there is so much more going on, but this is enough for one entry. i sincerely hope you are well and happy, and i will be online to wish you that personally in the near future. xox jen
new blog, although i feel guilty expecting anyone to read it as i havn't likely been keeping up with yours of late...
still, my news! dad's wedding was excellent. just the bridal couple, their children (and child-in-law) and two closest friends. we met in dad and nicole's hotel room and hung out a little, all frocked up

i have two new housemates - both girls, yay! charlotte i have known a few years, although carl has known her since she first moved to melbourne seven years ago. the other is one of char's best friends who has just moved down from sydney. i'd barely met lamour before she moved in but she's lovely

last night i hung out with my favourite living band! the black market are on tour and i caught up with them for their short day in melbourne. the show was really good, made even better by the presence of two rad brisbane women who came down with them

there is so much more going on, but this is enough for one entry. i sincerely hope you are well and happy, and i will be online to wish you that personally in the near future. xox jen

I am well upset you dont live here and I dont live there!!!!
Thank you very much. I haven't felt this good in a really long time. Saveme is such an amazing girl. So amazing in fact, she drove the four hours up here on Sunday just to spend the afternoon! How awesome is that! It's strange to have someone care so much for me. I'm definitely not complaining though!
I hope school is going well for you, despite your waiting on your friend to send work. I also hope you got a chance to see some good shows over the weekend.
As always, my best, and take care!