hello hello!
how are you all? how do you like the new lay-out? i really don't but there is jack-all i can do about it, hey!
it's my last official day of uni holidays, not that i attended much in the last two weeks of last term. consequently i am now 'at risk' of failing at least one of this semester's units (but probably 3). i am so frustrated with myself, my heart and mind seem on vastly different tracks. i really wanted to study this course - last year when i was just working i desperately wanted to study ANYTHING - but now that i am here i can't seem to commit to it. instead i dream of travelling europe by myself, or being a full-time nanny to my sister's kids so that SHE can finish HER degree. anyway. i'll try to catch up with the mountains of work i have missed and see how i go with the exams in june. i do look forward to having completed my bachelor of business in music industry/event management, i just want that time to be now...
with that vent out of the way, i have an awesome weekend planned!!! tomorrow is my dad's wedding
i'll go straight to the hotel from work and hang around until the ceremony, then get a bus home after dinner
the next night after work i'll come home to a house full of sydney punks! my rad friends sydney city trash are on tour and have a massive melbourne show with killer bands, including steppin razor, also from sydney. this gig is also a celebration for my little bro's 19th birthday, sweetly convenient
working backwards, i had an ace time last weekend too! although i was randomly sick during the week (first i felt like my chest was collapsing and crushing my lungs, making it extremely difficult and painful to breathe; then that eased off and the next day my neck muscles had major spasms, causing an excruciating headache and horrible neck and shoulder pain. i had to pay a physiotherapist $140 to fix this one, which could only happen cos my beautiful boyfriend looked after me
) and therefore completely missed out on planned dates with my friends visiting from brisbane
but then on sunday i left work early, met up with some close friends and headed to the 21st birthday picnic of another. little katie (the birthday girl
) and i don't see each other much these days, but she is still so amazing and special to me. i couldn't stay long at her celebrations but i'm so happy i could go at all.
the reason i had to split is because i had a one-off modelling gig! my ridiculously brilliant friend alice has started a screen-printing course this year, and is slowly building a business from her skills. she was invited to show her work in a fashion show for young local designers, and recruited her boyfriend leighton, me and our friend tom to wear her hoodies on the catwalk. it was a small but professional show - choreography, hair, make-up, photographers and all! so i shuffled down the runway, all prettied up, and it was fun
there's pics on alice's site, i'll post some of my own when i find my usb cable! the next day i accompanied alice to a tattoo appointment, she got two and a half hours of colour on her half sleeve. it looks amazing and gives me tattoo cravings! so while i was there i had a drawing meeting with my artist for my next installment. i couldn't afford to give him a deposit though, so i don't know when i'll see the draft...
i've got more to write but this blog is already too long! so, love you all and talk soon, xox jen
how are you all? how do you like the new lay-out? i really don't but there is jack-all i can do about it, hey!
it's my last official day of uni holidays, not that i attended much in the last two weeks of last term. consequently i am now 'at risk' of failing at least one of this semester's units (but probably 3). i am so frustrated with myself, my heart and mind seem on vastly different tracks. i really wanted to study this course - last year when i was just working i desperately wanted to study ANYTHING - but now that i am here i can't seem to commit to it. instead i dream of travelling europe by myself, or being a full-time nanny to my sister's kids so that SHE can finish HER degree. anyway. i'll try to catch up with the mountains of work i have missed and see how i go with the exams in june. i do look forward to having completed my bachelor of business in music industry/event management, i just want that time to be now...
with that vent out of the way, i have an awesome weekend planned!!! tomorrow is my dad's wedding

the next night after work i'll come home to a house full of sydney punks! my rad friends sydney city trash are on tour and have a massive melbourne show with killer bands, including steppin razor, also from sydney. this gig is also a celebration for my little bro's 19th birthday, sweetly convenient

working backwards, i had an ace time last weekend too! although i was randomly sick during the week (first i felt like my chest was collapsing and crushing my lungs, making it extremely difficult and painful to breathe; then that eased off and the next day my neck muscles had major spasms, causing an excruciating headache and horrible neck and shoulder pain. i had to pay a physiotherapist $140 to fix this one, which could only happen cos my beautiful boyfriend looked after me

the reason i had to split is because i had a one-off modelling gig! my ridiculously brilliant friend alice has started a screen-printing course this year, and is slowly building a business from her skills. she was invited to show her work in a fashion show for young local designers, and recruited her boyfriend leighton, me and our friend tom to wear her hoodies on the catwalk. it was a small but professional show - choreography, hair, make-up, photographers and all! so i shuffled down the runway, all prettied up, and it was fun

i've got more to write but this blog is already too long! so, love you all and talk soon, xox jen

Hey i just realized that im going over seas for the first time in 27 days..wowwowweewow
Ok jen ,have agreat week & dont fret to much bout uni
I vented here: Rather unamused susie
Did I tell you my friend in prison who was gonna be let out in a few days time on tagging was told its not gonna happen a few days ago?? because of 'media interest' gaaaaaaaaaah